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:Introduction: By Michael Vedam Salow
:1. And I kissed the Feet of my Master
::Q : Beloved Mahadevi, can you please describe what happened when you got enlightened? And what did you do then?
:2. Fear : A Shadow of Death
::Q : Dear Mahadevi, what really is Fear?
:3. Meditation : The Art of Dying
::Q : Beloved Mahadevi, what is Meditation and, how can it be helpful to me? (With guided meditation)
:4. Nothing has Ever Died in Existence
::Q : Dear Devi, I have realized I am very upset when somebody dies and I don’t know why?
:5. The Whole Universe is in Rhythm
::Q : A few years ago I had an interesting experience. It was as if I were separate from my body; I think it was a spiritual experience. Although I was intoxicated at that time, I felt it was real! Can you say something about it?
:6. Touch the Ground Before Your Fingers are Ruined
::Q : Beloved Mahadevi, … before I go on a flight I feel a lot of anxiety and I am scared to fly. How can I deal with this fear? (With guided therapeutic meditations, including in-flight meditation)
:7. Become a Rose, Even Just for a Day
::Q : Beloved Mahadevi, … please guide me that I can overcome my fear of enlightenment!
:8. Give Yourself a Chance to Come Out of Your Fear
::Mahadevi answers a question about fear of loneliness and how to live alone. (With guided therapeutic meditation)
:9. If Your Today is Playful and Aware…!
::Mahadevi answers a question about the complaining attitude and fear of becoming crazy.
:10. Here and Now : The Only Truth
::Mahadevi comments on the book Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and the story of his "enlightenment."
:11. Enlightenment : A Scientific Fact
::Q : Mahadevi, … What is spiritual enlightenment really? Is it a scientific fact and if it is, can it be proved?
:12. Feel Grateful that Your Child Has Gifted You with Motherhood
::Mahadevi answers a question from a mother and comments on the mother-child relationship, and the child’s psychology and conditioning.
:13. I Speak to the Child Within You
::Mahadevi explains why she often uses illustrations.
:14. Enlightenment : An Eternal Climax
::Q : Beloved Mahadevi, I am embarrassed to ask you this question, but can one have sex after enlightenment?
:15. … Nobody Can Become Really Conscious!
::Mahadevi comments on a quote of Physicist Albert Einstein and answers the question: Does it mean that nobody can become really conscious?
:16. The Poor Fish Was Not Blind
::Mahadevi comments on the impatience and attitude of many contemporary seekers.
:17. Follow Your Heart and Nothing Else
::Mahadevi answers a question on how to live without creating karma.

Um es vorweg zu nehmen: ich empfehle dieses Buch allen. Denen, die neugierig sind, an Kuriosem interessiert sind und erst einmal abwarten, ehe sie den Sprung in unbekannte Gewässer wagen. Dieses Buch kann ihnen helfen, einer wichtigen Weichenstellung in ihrem Leben näher zu kommen.
author= [[Ma Mahadevi |Mahadevi]] |
Und ich empfehle es all den vielen Meditierern, die sich damit abgefunden haben, daß die „esoterische Laufbahn“ ja ganz nett ist, aber Erleuchtung? – Ich doch nicht!
language = English|
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Hier also das Beispiel Mahadevi. Eine Inderin, die sich früh im Leben zu OSHO hingezogen fühlt, bevor sie alt genug ist und endlich nach Pune ins OSHO-Resort gelangt kommt. Sie meditiert dort 2 Jahre, ihr Freund muss für ein paar Wochen nach Deutschland und findet sie anschließend in einem völlig veränderten Zustand wieder. Nur nach und nach puzzeln sich die Geschehnisse zusammen und „the Big bang“, ihre Erleuchtung, wird in einem ausführlichen, nachvollziehbaren Kapitel sorgfältig dokumentiert.
editions =
{{bookedition| Mahadevi-book.jpg | An Inspiration to Develop the Art of Meditative Living  | 2006 | Mahadevima Foundation | 1 | 978-9299003909 |  212  | P | }}
Michaelvedam, Mahadevis langjähriger Freund, hat das Buch zusammen gestellt und das Vorwort geschrieben. Sehr anschaulich und einfühlsam schreibt er über das besondere Geschenk, mit einer erleuchteten Frau zusammen zu leben… wie er Mahadevi, die seit dem Ereignis körperlich recht fragil ist, betreut, aber das Gefühl hat, wesentlich mehr von ihr zurück zu bekommen (was an die manchmal unter die Haut gehenden Berichte von Sannyasins erinnert, die sich um OSHO´s Wohl gekümmert haben).
Für mich sind die ersten knapp 50 Seiten des Buches besonders interessant: die Einleitung von Michaelvedam und dann das erste Kapitel: Mahadevi über sich und wie sie ihre Erleuchtung erlebt. In weiteren 16 Kapiteln geht sie auf Fragen von Suchern ein. Verblüffend: das Kapitel über Eckhart Tolle.
[[Category:Books by Sannyasins - Non-Fiction]]
Das Buch hat 212 Seiten, ist in recht einfachem Englisch geschrieben (eine deutsche Übersetzung ist in Arbeit) und kostet 14,90€ (+Verpackung/Porto 2,50€). In Deutschland momentan nur erhältlich bei [].
(von [[Sw Matwala]])
;see also

Latest revision as of 09:33, 1 February 2024

Introduction: By Michael Vedam Salow
1. And I kissed the Feet of my Master
Q : Beloved Mahadevi, can you please describe what happened when you got enlightened? And what did you do then?
2. Fear : A Shadow of Death
Q : Dear Mahadevi, what really is Fear?
3. Meditation : The Art of Dying
Q : Beloved Mahadevi, what is Meditation and, how can it be helpful to me? (With guided meditation)
4. Nothing has Ever Died in Existence
Q : Dear Devi, I have realized I am very upset when somebody dies and I don’t know why?
5. The Whole Universe is in Rhythm
Q : A few years ago I had an interesting experience. It was as if I were separate from my body; I think it was a spiritual experience. Although I was intoxicated at that time, I felt it was real! Can you say something about it?
6. Touch the Ground Before Your Fingers are Ruined
Q : Beloved Mahadevi, … before I go on a flight I feel a lot of anxiety and I am scared to fly. How can I deal with this fear? (With guided therapeutic meditations, including in-flight meditation)
7. Become a Rose, Even Just for a Day
Q : Beloved Mahadevi, … please guide me that I can overcome my fear of enlightenment!
8. Give Yourself a Chance to Come Out of Your Fear
Mahadevi answers a question about fear of loneliness and how to live alone. (With guided therapeutic meditation)
9. If Your Today is Playful and Aware…!
Mahadevi answers a question about the complaining attitude and fear of becoming crazy.
10. Here and Now : The Only Truth
Mahadevi comments on the book Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and the story of his "enlightenment."
11. Enlightenment : A Scientific Fact
Q : Mahadevi, … What is spiritual enlightenment really? Is it a scientific fact and if it is, can it be proved?
12. Feel Grateful that Your Child Has Gifted You with Motherhood
Mahadevi answers a question from a mother and comments on the mother-child relationship, and the child’s psychology and conditioning.
13. I Speak to the Child Within You
Mahadevi explains why she often uses illustrations.
14. Enlightenment : An Eternal Climax
Q : Beloved Mahadevi, I am embarrassed to ask you this question, but can one have sex after enlightenment?
15. … Nobody Can Become Really Conscious!
Mahadevi comments on a quote of Physicist Albert Einstein and answers the question: Does it mean that nobody can become really conscious?
16. The Poor Fish Was Not Blind
Mahadevi comments on the impatience and attitude of many contemporary seekers.
17. Follow Your Heart and Nothing Else
Mahadevi answers a question on how to live without creating karma.


From Fear to Enlightenment

An Inspiration to Develop the Art of Meditative Living

Year of publication : 2006
Publisher : Mahadevima Foundation
ISBN 978-9299003909 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 212
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes :