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Revision as of 16:33, 1 April 2022

A concise, illustrated workbook to Tantric lovemaking by the bestselling author of Sexual Ecstasy and The Art of Sexual Ecstasy.
The Sexual Ecstasy Workbook is the perfect practical guide for the countless lovers who complain that sexual harmony is so easily broken and that love, rather than being pure bliss, is more like walking through a minefield-where at any moment a false move can turn off enthusiasm and snuff out all chances for orgasmic satisfaction.
Problematic situations readers will learn how to successfully maneuver include:
- She is turned on and wants to make love, but doesn't dare express it.
- He wants her, but she seems so busy that he doesn't dare interrupt and ask.
- The world-in the form of ringing cell phones, paging beepers, droning television, and domestic duties-prevents the focused intimacy that is the core of bliss.
- Awkwardness-not knowing how to caress-turns lovemaking into a burdensome chore.
The Sexual Ecstasy Workbook presents a user-friendly, step-by-step method for connecting more deeply with one's ecstatic potential, erotic goals, and ability to appreciate one's self and one's partner.
Margot Anand with Philip Duane Johncock


The Sexual Ecstasy Workbook

The Path of SkyDancing® Tantra

Year of publication : 2005
Publisher : Tarcher
ISBN 1585423971 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 128
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes :