The Discipline of Transcendence Vol 3 ~ 02

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event type discourse
date & time 22 Oct 1976 am
location Chuang Tzu Auditorium, Poona
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 32min. Quality: muffled sound (under revision).
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online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle TRANS302
Reader of the questions: n/a; questions are being read by Osho himself.
Question 1
Your lecture yesterday was ruthless, sharp and shattering. I felt throughout the lecture that a deep surgical operation is happening within my psyche. What is this, Osho? Along with the verbal talk what else do you transmit to the listener?
Question 2
Osho, you tell us so many jokes -- what is the basic secret of a joke and why do you tell them?
Question 3
I am going soon to the West. Osho, if I call you there, will your help be available to me as it has been available here?
Question 4
Can the mind commit suicide?
Question 5
I hoo my guts out in the dynamic, I laugh with you in the lecture, I dance for you in Nataraj, I cry and scream after Nadabrahma, I watch my tensions in kundalini, and listen to the birds which come together specially for the meditations with music -- they enjoy tremendously.
I provide dinner for the mosquitoes in Gourishankar. In and between the meditations it seems I am doing all the groups at once. I feel very very crazy. I know you love it -- how can I love it too?
Question 6
Are all desires the same? What is my desire for love?
Question 7
Do you give the lady sannyasins a more difficult time than the men, or am I imagining things again?
Question 8
The day before yesterday you parted with your old companion hand-towel, celebrating the silver jubilee of the friendship. You had said that everybody should remain sitting at his or her place in meditation, and let the towel land on some sannyasin as cod descends in the same way. Then with a historic, loving gesture you tossed the towel, but strangely enough, it struck the wall beam and landed on the empty floor in front of you about two feet away from Maitreya and Teertha. Maitreyaji stretched his hand and took it.
You played this mysterious joke and you witnessed it too. Now to whom does the towel go? It remains unsolved! To approach Mulla Nasrudin is not possible. Who knows where he is? -- in Iran, Iraq, in Baghdad or maybe in Osho's room! I did approach swami Yoga Chinmaya with the puzzle. He redirects me to you.
Osho, help me with your comments!


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