The Last Testament (Vol 3) ~ 27

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event type interview
date & time 17 Oct 1985 pm
location Sanai Grove, Rajneeshpuram
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 53min. Quality: good, but a constant noise (under revision).
Live music after the interview.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 57min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle LAST327
Interview. Announcements by Ma Prem Hasya : Carol Olstrom, Seattle Times
CD-ROM on this chapter: Interview with Carol Olstrom, Seattle Times, Seattle, WA.
Question 1
Bhagwan, you are a very funny master. Why do I keep getting the feeling that you are playing a joke on everyone and, if you are, how would I know?
Question 2
Could you give me some help?
Question 3
Does that mean that it is a joke?
Question 4
Bhagwan, somehow Rajneeshpuram doesn't feel like a city to me. If you came to visit me in Seattle, I wouldn't search you or have my dog sniff you. Why do you have your people search me and have the dog sniff me? I don't understand this.
Question 5
What do you mean when you say it's an illegal city?
Question 6
Bhagwan, it seems as though most of the bombs and poison came from people who live inside the commune, not people from the outside. Why don't the dogs sniff sannyasins too?
Question 7
Bhagwan, you say, "don't trust authority" and your sannyasins continue to believe everything you say and put your picture everywhere. Doesn't this frighten you somehow, that even though you tell them not to make you a pope that somehow they will?
Question 8
Perhaps you could make some mistakes. Or do enlightened people make mistakes?
Question 9
Bhagwan, your sannyasins work very hard to build the commune and to give you things and the privacy and the place you live in. What do you give them?
Question 10
What does that mean?
Question 11
Why don't the sannyasins drive the Rolls Royces then? I don't understand that.
Question 12
The Rolls Royces that they bought.
Question 13
You've discouraged people from having children. Why is that?
Question 14
Harley Soltiss, our photographer, would like to know what time we could come to your house tomorrow to take a picture of you swimming.


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