Osho Meditation Studio, Berlin

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The Osho Active Meditation Studio is the sister of the Meditation Module New York City and was founded in Berlin in 2007. It is located in the artsy neighborhood of Kreuzberg/Friedrichshain in the center region of Berlin Germany. All the knowledge and experience, that was gathered and shared in the previous years in NYC with the Meditation Module flowed into this project of creating a place to meditate for todays people in an urban environment. After finding suitable rooms in the spring of 2007, major construction was undertaken in our large space (240m2) in an old flourmill at the river Spree. Walls were built and rendered, showers were installed, tiles were laid and a beautiful sprung hardwood floor was put down. Since we opened our doors in September 2007 a regular meditation practice has taken root in the space.

Contact Details

Schlesische Str 38
2. Hof Mühlengebäude, 1. OG
10997 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 41198272
Osho Meditation Studio Berlin
see also
Osho Active Meditation Studio on MySpace
The Meditation Module
Sw Ali
Ma Krisana