Glimpses of My Master

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This book, ‘Glimpses of my Master’, is a compilation of many of the things I have written about Osho during the last ten years. Although I naturally write from my point of view as a close disciple, I have tried to focus on Osho, the Master, rather than my own spiritual journey.
The reasons are threefold. Firstly, Osho has been so wrongly represented by the media, by opinionated intellectuals and, sadly, by some of his own disciples, that I hope my writings will help to reveal something of his essence and so dispel some of the radical misunderstandings about him.
Secondly, I am convinced that Osho is one of the greatest spiritual leaders that have lived on this earth and, because of his remarkable ability to re-interpret ancient truths and doctrines in a way that people in this century can understand and benefit from, he is particularly important for current and future generations. It is possible that the writings of disciples who were fortunate enough to experience his guidance firsthand can help others to more deeply understand what the spiritual path is about when they embark on there own search for truth and self-knowledge.
Thirdly, personal accounts of being around Osho by disciples may convey something of the indefinable ‘presence’ of an enlightened master, which again furthers an understanding of this occasionally rocky path to the unknown. And those who have come to love and appreciate Osho in all his many, many dimensions usually enjoy reading personal anecdotes about him.
Some of the texts in the book have appeared in various sannyasin publications, both in magazines and online, and the whole text of the book originally known as ‘A Seam for the Master’, is also included. Many people were unable to obtain copies of the latter book because it sold out quickly so they will now have a chance to read it.
Also included are a number of chapters which I have recently written and which have not been published elsewhere. Chief amongst these is the chapter on ‘Kailash’, one of Osho’s most audacious experiments and one which very few people have heard of, let alone know anything about. ‘Kailash’ was the name Osho gave to an isolated farm in the wilds of central India to which he, in 1974, sent thirty unsuspecting sannyasins to supposedly build a new commune.
This book is not an academic treatise nor an ‘official’ account; it is merely an expression of my own opinions, observations and deeply felt love for and appreciation of an extraordinary spiritual Master.

Glimpses of My Master

Year of publication : 2010
Publisher :
Number of pages :
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes :
Author : Veena Schlegel