Kaivalya Upanishad ~ 10

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कैवल्य उपनिषद ~ 10

event type discourse
date & time 30 Mar 1972, 8:00
location Mount Abu, meditation camp
language Hindi & English
audio Available, duration 1h 42min. Quality: good. Missing some fragments and meditation part (under revision).
Sanskrit chanted sutra, followed by a Hindi and English translation of the sutra.
online audio
video Not available
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online text find a PDF of this event
shorttitle THOU27
See Talk:Osho Timeline 1972. English part of this event published as That Art Thou #27
CD-ROM about That Art Thou: "Originally titled "Sarvasar Upanishad" (first 17 discourses at Matheran), "Kaivalya Upanishad" (second 17 discourses at Mt. Abu) and "Adhyatma Upanishad" (last 17 discourses at Mt. Abu). Discourses were in Hindi and English, the tapes produced as "That Art Thou" are the English parts."
Reader of the sutra: Ma Yoga Taru, also chanting.
Hindi part:
(Translated as in Flight of the Alone to the Alone (discourses))
The sutra
In the trance of maya, the illusory, man thinks his body to be all; thus he pursues all manner of empty activity. In jagratawastha, the waking state, he seeks contentment in foolish pleasures, in the satisfaction of lust and in intoxicants.
In the world of his imagination, man experiences pleasure and pain in swapnawastha, the dream state. Man feels a measure of relief in sushuptawastha, the state of deep sleep, where all the deceptions of illusion end and man lapses into tamas guna, life-energy's lethargic state.
English part:
The sutra
The self, deluded by maya, identifies with the body and does all actions. In the waking states it is he, the same self, who finds gratification through the various objects of enjoyment, such as women, food, wine, et cetera. In the dream state that very same individualized ego experiences pleasure and pain in a field of experiences created by its own maya, the least apprehensive of reality. During the state of profound sleep, when everything is merged, it is overpowered by tamas, inertia, and experiences it as happiness.

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