Sermons in Stones ~ 28

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event type discourse
date & time 27 Dec 1986 pm
location Sumila, Juhu, Bombay
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 44min. Quality: good.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 48min. Quality: good.
online video
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online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle SERMON28
Reader of the questions: Ma Prem Maneesha.
Question 1
Beloved Osho, whenever I read Friedrich Nietzsche, and feel quite relaxed, it appears as if I have a connection with a spirit which is alive and I talk to him. He is not dead but a living friend and it doesn't sound absurd at all that all the great spirits are in deep communication with one another whether they are dead or alive. But with you, all names and words disappear and I feel bright and enlightened. I love this state of being with you like this. What is your secret?
Question 2
Beloved Osho, after fifteen years of trying all kinds of different spiritual techniques and two years doing groups and your meditations, I've now decided to take sannyas. Even so, I don't feel that absolute inner certainty which I have been waiting for. Osho, could you please say something about the difference between being a sympathizer and a sannyasin?
Question 3
Beloved Osho, since Germans make the largest national number of your sannyasins, what is hidden in their roots that push and drag them to that controversial relationship with you?
Question 4
Beloved Osho, when I am with you, I feel like a boat on the wide ocean and the waves go higher and higher. And then the question arises: Are you me or am I you?
Question 5
Beloved Osho, I feel so guilty when wanting to express myself and when I finally take courage to do so, it feels more like a no to others than a yes to myself. Then the guilt returns because of this. Postponement or defiance are the only ways I know but they seem part of a circle anyway. Beloved master, is there a way to transform guilt?
Question 6 from Sw Milarepa
Beloved Osho, either way, you have finished me. The prospect of joining the ranks of the unemployed nearabout the age of fourty-two has got me into very hot water with my beloved. She's wanting all manners of guarantees and assurances, and in writing! On the other hand, if I really do have nine more years to go, that exact date you mention will not only be the end of my sex life, but the end of me, full stop! Beloved master, you got me in this dilemma; kindly get me out.


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