Tao The Three Treasures Vol 2 ~ 06

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event type discourse
date & time 26 Jun 1975 am
location Chuang Tzu Auditorium, Poona
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 37min. Quality: good.
online audio
video Not available
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online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle TREAS206
Reader of the questions: n/a; questions are being read by Osho himself.
Question 1
You said that those who want to attain need discipline and effort at first. Is that not a thing of the ego, and will it not become more strengthened? I have always been hard on myself and missed much of the joys of life. Please explain the difference between discipline and control.
Question 2
Buddha used to send someone afraid of death to meditate in the cemetery, to make him ready for real meditation. I feel my fear of death as a barrier to my meditation. Where are you going to send me?
Question 3
In all my years of catharsis in therapy and in meditation, I never 'lose control'. I always have a sense of being into the feeling and also of watching it. Is this being 'split' and not-whole? Please explain what is happening. I have this idea that one should totally lose oneself, let-go, lose control....
Question 4
You said that only man is violent and kills for sport and that animals kill for food. Yet I have witnessed dogs tearing apart a fox for sport; a fox killing nine chickens and eating only one -- not to mention the red ants viciously attacking us during meditation. Does this not put animals in the same category as man?
Question 5
What is money and why are most people deeply uncomfortable about it in one way or another?
Question 6
What is the difference between passivity, and laziness, a yin position and inertia? Sometimes I feel that without force of will I would never get out of bed.
Question 7
Is Jesus' 'offer the other cheek' attitude applicable for us today here in Poona, or should we meet the force offered to us with force -- or should we respond as we feel befits the situation?


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