The Rebel ~ 19

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event type discourse
date & time 10 Jun 1987 am
location Chuang Tzu Auditorium, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 40min. Quality: good.
Live music after the discourse.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 43min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle REBEL19
Reader of the questions: Ma Prem Maneesha.
Question 1 from Vimal
Beloved master, in your golden future, will there be a troupe of enlightened actors? Is it possible for a man who is enlightened to be an actor?
Question 2 from Latifa
Beloved master, I feel really confused. You just keep on telling me, in one way or the other, that I am a complete crackpot to be with om; but there is still something so strong in me that wants to stay in this relationship.
If it brings me closer to enlightenment to be alone and without relationship, I am definitely not getting it. If it means that this relationship with om is coming between you and me, it hurts too much to even feel it.
Is it that I want to be a perfect sannyasin? What is it that I am still not getting?
Question 3 from Prem Seung
Beloved master, I was born in South Korea. I left that country in l984, and took sannyas in 1985. When I was staying in Rajneeshpuram in 1985, the South Korean government arrested a lot of my friends and denounced them and me as communist revolutionaries. One of them was killed before the court date, and two of them were sentenced to death; the rest of them are all in jail now, and I have been suffering from this horrible calamity.
Your lovers in South Korea try to make their country free from U.S. imperialism, and to search for the path of truth simultaneously.
Is it possible to do this? -- to search for the path of truth and free one's own country from tyranny?
Please comment for me and your lovers in Korea.
Question 4 from Ma Prem Shunyo
Beloved master, the more I experience for myself the total insanity of society, the more I feel that the only thing to do is escape and live in a cave. To meditate in the midst of madness severs all bridges that connect with mad people, and it seems impossible to play their games. And yet I "know" this is not what you are telling us.
What is the root of my misunderstanding?


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