The Sword and the Lotus ~ 22

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event type discourse
date & time 11 Feb 1986 pm
location Oberoi Soaltee Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal
language English
audio Available, duration 2h 13min. Quality: good. Incomplete: at 1:16:38 missing 8 paragraphs: the last part of the response to Q1, the question and first sentence of the response to Q2 (under revision).
online audio
video Available, duration 2h 13min. Quality: good, but Osho arriving and leaving are inferior. Incomplete: at 1:14:21 missing 8 paragraphs: the last part of the response to Q1, the question and first sentence of the response to Q2 (under revision).
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle SWORD22
Reader of the questions: q.1, 4 Sw Anand Arun ?, q.2 - unknown (missing on recording), q.3 - a woman.
Question 1
Beloved master, holding your hands and feeling your compassion I feel like crying all the tears of my body, out of too much beauty. I can't stand it; I am shaking and shivering. My inner woman starts coming to life. A need to please, to express myself... My ideas about the real man lie at my feet, shattered.
What to do?
Question 2
My beloved master, please accept my love.
Beloved master, when a person weeps it is usually sad, but your sannyasins also weep when they are happy. Would you like to talk to us about tears?
Question 3
Beloved master, would you please talk about women's liberation in the context of your vision of a commune?
Question 4
Beloved master, I am thankful to this beautiful existence that you are with us. I am grateful that you are not one of those tirthankaras or avataras who is so far from ordinary human beings that there is no possibility to be other than in awe of them, and worship them from afar. You teach us to be thankful to existence for all that it has given us. But how can I be thankful to those people who are not of this understanding? Especially those who speak against you and try to destroy your work? Can you say something?


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