YAA HOO The Mystic Rose ~ 01

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event type discourse
date & time 19 Mar 1988 pm
location Gautam the Buddha Auditorium, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 13min. Quality: good.
Live music after the discourse.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 19min. Quality: good, but a slight constant audio-noise. Incomplete: missing a part of Osho arriving, possibly because during this series Ma Shantam Avirbhava was screaming when Osho arrived.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle YAAHOO01
See Talk:YAA-HOO! The Mystic Rose#Lecture-numbering
Reader of the questions: Ma Prem Maneesha.
Question 1 from Ma Yoga Prem
Beloved Osho, my whole being bows to your feet, but it is very difficult for me to take my eyes from your beautiful, radiant being, when you greet us coming and going in the morning. Am I missing by peeking? Is this attachment to your physical presence and form something that has to be transcended?
Question 2 from Sarjano
Beloved Osho, lately you have been showering such unbearable and overwhelming friendliness on us, that it drives me totally bananas.
I get an uncontainable urge to stand up and cuddle you.
How do you manage to be both such a friend and such a master to us? Isn't a master supposed to stand aloof and cool, like a buddha?
Why does all this intimacy, even so delightful, scare me so much?
Will I forget the moon, bite your finger, and take you for granted once more?


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