The Last Testament (Vol 1) ~ 19

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event type interview
date & time 5 Aug 1985 pm
location Jesus Grove, Rajneeshpuram
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 51min. Quality: good.
Live music after the interview.
online audio
video Available, duration 2h 8min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle LAST119
CD-ROM on this chapter: This discourse is published in The Last Testament, Vol 1, chapter 30.
Interview. Announcements by Ma Prem Savita : Santo Ottolengi and Carlo Silvestro from Panorama magazine, Italy
CD-ROM on this chapter: Carlo Silvestro (Sw Swatantra Sarjano), Panorama, Milan, Italy.
Question 1
I'd like to say a few words about our magazine, which is a weekly magazine in Italy with a reputation of an opinion maker, like Newsweek in America. Since it is the first time any Italian journalist has this opportunity to speak with you, we will have quite a lot of questions and we hope that we have an answer for all of them for our readers.
The first question is: You say that you are not a prophet, you are not a messiah, you are not a God, you are not a saint. So we want to know, who are you?
Question 2
In any case, do you think that you have a big power?
Question 3
Why have you said that you are a guest here? Do you plan to leave, to travel?
Question 4
You said, "I must choose, I prefer to be Zorba rather than Buddha." What does it mean?
Question 5
What do you mean when you say that you are the guru of the rich people? Are you as rich as many of your sannyasins? Your critics -- and I'm trying to understand -- say that you collect money just as you collect the Rolls Royces and the watches. Are you against the poor?
Question 6
We've been here a few days now and the commune looks so peaceful and people are really beautiful. Your words are very beautiful, too. What I am asking myself now is, how come the press and the Oregonians are so unusually aggressive against you and your people?
Question 7
You said, "I am a simple man." But why do thousands and thousands of people, simple men, follow a simple man?
Question 8
Do you have any kind of personal strategy for the future, any message to leave? Do you have any idea of Rajneeshism and Rajneeshpuram after you? Do you have any successor?
Question 9
But you don't think that you are responsible for all the sannyasins living here, for the life and the future of the children I have seen in this city?
Question 10
I want to explain to our readers who the sannyasins are. Is the sannyasin a sort of new man? You say that the sannyasins are innocent children. Your critics say that they are your slaves, slaves of your attitude towards work, life, love, sex. May we have your opinion of the sannyasins?
Question 11
Why are so many women sannyasins?
Question 12
It seems the whole commune is run by women. Is there a particular purpose or strategy to that?
Question 13
You have also said, "We are not missionaries." Why? Don't you want more sannyasins?
Question 14
You say you can't coexist with the rest of the world. Do you want a red Oregon, a red world? And are you ready to fight for this purpose?
Question 15
The last question! Once you spoke about a holocaust between 1984 and 1999. What does it mean?


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