Sw Premananda

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(Peter Dyke)

Originally from London, England, took sannyas in December 1975, by mail while living in Amsterdam.

First visit to Poona arrived on Valentine's Day, 1976. Fell in love immediately. Stayed 6 months.

Returned to Amsterdam, briefly ran the Amsterdam centre, based out of De Kosmos. Married Ma Anand Chetan (since deceased), moved to Ibiza, London, returned to Poona in 1978. Worked in Bakery, Vrindavan, Miriam canteen, shopper. Moved in to Jesus House, then Veggie Villas. Left shortly after Bhagwan, moved to London.

Moved to Medina (UK): kitchen, transport. Won big on Grand National with small bet which provided the funds to move to Rajneeshpuram: Chuang-Tzu, RBG, Baal Shem. Mainly drove 18 wheelers and coaches. Left in December 1985 along with most everyone else, lived in Florida for 4 years before moving to Marin Co, California.

After 5 years in Marin: San Diego in 1995, and now living in the silence of the mountains in Jamul CA.

Contact Details

Jamul CA
email Permanence
see also
Premananda on Facebook