Bhagwan: The Buddha for the Future

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Maneesha says of her trilogy:
"In 1985, after he returned to India from his world tour, Osho suggested that I write a book that would be, as he termed it, "the historical documentation" of his work and the movement that grew up around him. "Having at that point been with him for fourteen years, I found it impossible to squeeze all that needed to be said within the confines of one volume. So triplets emerged…an entire trilogy!
(Curiously enough, each book did take nine months to complete)

Bhagwan: The Buddha for the Future describes the evolution of Osho's first commune – in Pune, India – where I was to find myself (literally and figuratively!) in October 1974. Those seven years were, simply, awesome. "For the segment on the second commune, at Rajneeshpuram in Oregon, USA, I drew not only on my own experiences but on those of many others who were involved in work of which I had known little or nothing. That period, too, in an entirely different way, was extraordinary. Many of us felt we learnt invaluable lessons through being witness to both the US government's efforts to sabotage Osho's work, and those of a small group of sannyasins who became embroiled in internal politicking.
Juliet Forman


Bhagwan: The Buddha for the Future

Year of publication : 1987
Publisher : Rebel Pub. House, Köln
ISBN 3907757181 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 542
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes :