Cross-reference list of early booklets and books (source document)

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"Cross-Reference List of Early Booklets and Books" is a document, compiled in Poona on Aug 10, 1992, and printed November 1, 1992. It is presented here as a cross-reference source for the dates of Osho's talks and letters.

This page is referenced as the "List of Early Books".

A facsimile can be downloaded here as PDF.

Cross-Reference List of Early Booklets and Books

Printed: 1 Nov 1992

Cross-Reference List of Early Booklets and Books

page 1, 10 Aug 1992

The following booklets and books are all in English. The notation 'Hindi' means the original was in Hindi, and has been translated into English.

101 Jokes of Mulla Nasruddin--not found, but Pratap remembers it!

202 Jokes of Mulla Nasruddin--1974

A Commune to Provoke God--publ 1978 small compilation

A Cup of Tea—contains: Flowers of Love 150 Hindi letters; and 200 letters in English: The Silent Music; Turning In; What is Meditation?; The Gateless Gate; The Dimensionless Dimension; The Eternal Message (see separate page for detai1s)

And Now & Here Volumes 1 & 2--Hindi, contains The Mysteries of Life and Death, and maybe Gateless Gate

Beginning of the Beginning--25-27/2/69 Hindi

Beware of Socialism--13-17/4/70 Hindi; extracts later published in The Mind of BSR

Beyond and Beyond--Discussion 21/7/70; in The Eternal Quest.

Beyond Laughter--not known, probably planned but not published under this name.

Dimensions Beyond the Known--2-3/71 Hindi

Earthen Lamps--Pointing the Way, Hindi, extracts later published in The Mind of BSR

Flight from Alone to Alone--16/8/70 now part of The Great Challenge

Flowers of Love--150 Hindi letters, now part of A cup of Tea

From Sex to Superconsciousness--Hindi, extracts later- published in The Mind of BSR and probably other later compilations

Hidden Mysteries--Hindi, original title Odysey Within was never used.

I Am The Gate--had at least 4 editions published by us

In Search of the Miraculous Volumes 1 and 2--Hindi, was published by Motilal Banarsidas as one volume titled The Mystic Experience

Krishna: The Man and His Philosophy--Hindi, talks from a meditation camp in Manali, in which Osho began his sannyas initation on 26 Sept 1970 a.m.

LSD: A Shortcut to False Samadhi--now part of The Great Challenge

Lead Kindly Light--by Yoga Kranti but Osho’s words, Hindi

Lecture in Kashmir--9/69 Unpublished translation from the book in Hindi: Mahavira: Men. Drishti Mein (Mahavira as I see Him)

Let Go--? (not known, Pratap thinks he may have seen it??)

Lifting the veil--1971 by Swami Anand Vitaraga about Osho, may have a few quotes

Meditation: A new Dimension--now part of The Great Challenge

Meditation: The Art of Ecstasy--was first published as The Dynamics of Meditation

Meet Mulla Nasruddin--jokes

Odyssey Within--Hindi, never published under this title, to be published as Hidden Mysteries

Path to Self Realization--3-8/6/64 Hindi now The Perfect Way

Philosophy of Non-Violence--Hindi trans publ 1968

Pointing the Way--contains: Seeds of Revolutionary Thought and Earthen Lamps, Hindi

Rajneesh: The Mystic of Feeling--by Swami Anand Vitaraga about Osho, contains some quotes

Secrets of Discipleship--now part of The Great Challenge English

Seeds of Revolutionary Thought--Hindi, 120 letters written to Mrs. Madan Kunwar Parekh (Ma Anandmayee)

Seriousness--20/10/1971 in The Eternal Quest

Suchness--by Narendra Bodhisattva about Osho may contain some quotes

Tantra Spirituality and Sex--compilation of extracts from The Book of the Secrets (5 volumes), see separate page for details

That Art Thou--two Mt Abu and one Matheran Meditation camps where Osho spoke in Hindi and English; only English part published in this book.

The Art of Living--9-16/11/70 Hindi; subtitle for The Perennial Path

The Beginning of the Beginning--see Beginning the Beginning; published with both names (with and without 'The')

The Camel...not on the roof--6—7/74 19 discourses translated from Hindi but Unpublished

The Dimensionless Dimension--letters to Ma Y Tao--part of A Cup of Tea

The Dynamics of Meditation--published as Meditation: The Art of Ecstasy by Harper & Row, and by Rebel

The Eternal Message--72/73 letters to Ma Y Bhakti--part of A Cup of Tea

The Eternal Quest--67-72 contains few extracts from Psychology of the Esoteric

The Gateless Gate--1-6/8/70 Letters, part of A Cup of Tea

The Great Challenge--first published by Grove Press, and now by Rebel; contains: Chapter #1,2,3,6 & 9 of The Silent Explosion

The Great Path--9-10/71 Hindi, translated but unpublished; to be published under the new title Behind a Thousand Names

The Great Secret--Hindi, published by Rebel

The Heartbeat of the Absolute--Hindi, was published by outside publisher; and now planned to be published by Rebel

The Inward Revolution--later published under the title The Psychology of The Esoteric; was also published by Harper & Row with title The New Evolution of Man (see separate page for details)

The Journey of Kundalini--2/5/70 Hindi, one discourse only, later published in In Search of The Miraculous

The Long and the Short and the All--Hindi, contains: Who Am I; Wings of Love and Random Thoughts; Towards The Unknown, (all Hindi)

The Mind of BSR--compilation discourses publ 1974, mostly Hindi:

Part I = 45 letters in Earthern Lamps, and Pointing the Way;
Part II in From Sex to Superconsciousness;
Part III probably extracts but not yet identified;
Part IV: Socialism and the Social Dimension from Beware of Socialism; Random Thoughts from Wings of Love and Random Thoughts; Silence from Seeds of Revolutionary Thought; Interview with Dr Guinebert in The Psychology of the Esoteric; last three subsections are extracts not yet identified.

The Mysteries of Life and Death--Hindi, Discourses from Meditation Camp in Dwarka Gujarat, publ 1971 & 74; now part of And Now and Here

The New Alchemy to Turn You On--Discourses from Mt Abu and Anand Shila Meditation camps; Osho spoke in Hindi and English but only English part, published in this book.)

The New Evolution of Man--published by Harper & Row, first published as The Inward Revolution; later published as The Psychology of The Esoteric with subtitle: The New Evolution of Man (see separate page for details)

The Path of Self Realization--Hindi, see Path of Self Realization, published with and without 'The'; later published as The Perfect Way

The Perennial Path--9-16/11/70 Hindi, published by outside publisher only with subtitle The Art of Living

The Perfect Way--Hindi, previously titled: The Path of Self- Realization; Path of Self Realization; and Path to Self- Realization

The Psychology of the Esoteric--First published as Inward Revolution; was also published by Harper & Row with title The New Evolution of Man (see separate page for details)

The Seeds of Revolutionary Thought--Hindi, published in Pointing the Way; extracts published in The Mind of BSR

The Silent Explosion--contains: 5 discourses published in The Great Challenge; 3 chapters published in Inward Revolution/The Psychology of the Esoteric; and one chapter- published in I Am The Gate; and some unidentified letters; (for more details see separate page)

The Silent Music--Letters 4—5/71 L--part, of A Cup of Tea

The Vital Balance--6/1/71 part of The Gt Challenge

The Way of Tao, Volumes 1 & 2--Hindi, published; Volumes 3 & 4 Hindi Unpublished

The Unknown Life of Jesus--is only one discourse which was published in Sannyas magazine, now part of The Silent. Explosion and also in The Great Challenge (see separate sheet for details)

Thus Spake Mulla Nasruddin--jokes

Thy Will be Done--includes one poem by Osho

Towards the Unknown--l5/8/69 Hindi, in The Long and the Short and the All

Turning In--letters to Mukta publ 1971, part, of A Cup of Tea

What is Meditation?--letters to Ma V Sandeh, part of A Cup of Tea

What is Rebellion?--31/3/69 Hindi, Unpublished, only one discourse (in Jabalpur)

Where are the Gandhians--19/7/69 Hindi, Unpublished, only one discourse (in Bombay)

Who Am I--1968 and 1973 Hindi, in The Long and the Short and the All

Who is progressive?--Hindi, Unpublished, only one discourse (in Bombay)

Why is man Dying?--12/67 Hindi, Unpublished, only one discourse

Wings of Love and Random Thought--originally two booklets in Hindi; also published in The Long and the Short and the All

Wisdom of Folly--Nasruddin jokes

Yoga a Spontaneous Happening--27/10/70 now part of The Great Challenge (see separate list for details)

The Dramatic History of: The Psychology of the Esoteric

NOTE: The Psychology of the Esoteric was previously puhlished under the title The Inward Revolution, and also under the title The New Evolution of Man;

The Inward Revolution was first published in May 1973 by Jeevan Jagriti Kendra, Bombay

The New Evolution of Man was published by Harper & Row, New York.

Chapter 1: Inward Revolution

An interview by Sw Krishna Christ of New York, USA; 25 Feb 1971, Bombay
Was Chapter 7 in The Inward Revolution, titled: The Courage to be Alone

Chapter 2: The Mystery of Meditation

An interview by Brian Roberts of USA; 4 Feb 1971, Bombay Was Chapter 2 in The Inward Revolution, titled: What is Meditation?

Chapter 3: Sex Love and Prayer: Three Steps to the Divine

An interview by Sw Krishna Christ of NY, USA; 14 Feb 1971, Bombay
Was Chapter 3 in The Inward Revolution, titled: Sex, Love, Prayer and Beyond: Through Meditation

Chapter 4: Kundalini Yoga: Returning to the Roots

An interview by Sw Krishna Christ of NY, USA: 10 Feb 1971, Bombay
Was Chapter 12 in The Inward Revolution, titled: The Inward Revolution

Chapter 5: Esoteric Games: A Hindrance to Growth

An interview by Sw Krishna Prem of Italy; December 1971, Bombay
Was Chapter 9 in The Inward Revolution, titled: Mind—created Fallacies of Language and Logic

Chapter 6: The Psycholoqy of Dreams

An interview by Dr. C. Guinbert of Paris, France; 25 July 1970, Bombay
Was Chapter 4 in The Inward Revolution, titled: Mysteries of Dream in the Seven Bodies—I

Chapter 7: Transcending the Seven Bodies

An interview by Dr. C. Guinbert of Paris, France; 26 July 1970, Bombay
Was Chapter 5 in The Inward Revolution, titled: Mysteries of Dream In the Seven Bodies-II

Chapter 8: Becoming and Being

An interview by Ma Yoga Maitri, Tokyo, Japan; 16 Sept 1970, Bombay
Was Chapter 6 in The Inward Revolution, titled: Tension and Relaxation in the Seven Bodies

Chapter 9: The Fallacy of Knowledge

An interview by Miss Kari Maximilieu, Professor in Religions, Historisk Instituion, University of Oslo, Norway; 24 July, 1970, Bombay
Was Chapter 1 in The Inward Revolution, titled: The Pathless Path

Chapter 10: Windows to the Divine

An interview by Miss Ranney and Miss Donna Sharkey, California, USA; 9 Jan 1971, Bombay
Was Chapter 8 in The Inward Revolution, titled: The Windows of Religion and the Sky of Truth

Chapter 11: Right Questioning

An interview by Ma Yoga Mukta and Ma Anand Prem of NY, USA; 21 Oct 1971, Bombay
Was Chapter 10 in The Inward Revolution, titled: Consciousness is Freedom and Love is Divine

Chapter 12: Balancing the Rational and the Irrational

An interview by visitors from abroad; 12 March 1972, Bombay
Was Chapter 11 in The Inward Revolution, titled: The Crisis of Western Rationality and Eastern Irrationality

The Dramatic Future of: The Silent Explosion

The Silent Explosion was first published in 1973 by Anand Shila Publications, Bombay

Chapter 1: Flight of the Alone to the Alone

As a booklet with the same name
As Chapter 1 with the same name in The Great Challenge, Grove Press, NY, 1979 edition
As Chapter 1 with the same name in The Great Challenge, Rebel edition due to come out in 1992

Chapter 2: Meditation A New dimension

As a booklet with the same name
As Chapter 2 with a different name in The Great Challenge, Grove Press
As chapter 2 in The Great Challenge, Rebel edition (same title as in The Great Challenge, Grove Press)

Chapter 3: The Occult Meaning of Asanas and Mudras

As a booklet titled Yoga: The Spontaneous Happening As Chapter 3 with the same title in The Great Challenge, Grove Press
As Chapter 3 with the same title in The Great Challenge, Rebel edition

Chapter 4: Kundalini: The Science of Transcendence

As Chapter 12 with a different title in The Inward Revolution, published by Jeevan Jagruti Kendra, Bombay 1973 edition
As Chapter 4 with an altered title in The Psychology of the Esoteric, Rebel edition
It is an interview by Sw Krishna Christ of NY, 10 Peb 1971, Bombay

Chapter 5: Sex, Love, Prayer and Meditation

As Chapter 3 with a different title in The Inward Revolution, Jeevan Jagruti Kendra edition
As Chapter 3 with an altered title in The Psychology of the Esoteric, Rebel edition
It is an interview by Sw Krishna Christ of NY, 14 Peb 1971, Bombay

Chapter 6 : The Vital Balance

As a booklet with same name
As Chapter 5 of The Great Challenge, Grove Press
As Chapter 5 of The Great Challenge, Rebel edition

Chapter 7: Religion and the Windows of Man

As Chapter 8 with a different title in The Inward
Revolution, published by Jeevan Jagruti Kendra, Bombay 1973 edition
As Chapter 10 with an altered title in The Psychology of the Esoteric. Rebel edition
It is an interview by Miss Ranney and Miss Donna Sharkey of California, 9 Jan 1971, Bombay

Chapter 8:: The Mysteries of Initiation

As Chapter 7 in I Am The Gate, Jeevan Jagruti Kendra, Bombay edition
As Chapter 7 in I Am The Gate, in its 3rd edition by Rajneesh Foundation
As Chapter 7 in I Am The Gate, Rebel edition

Chapter 9: The Unknown Life of Jesus

As an article in sannyas magazine
As Chapter 9 in The Great Challenge, Grove Press As Chapter 9 in The Great Challenge, Rebel edition

Chapter 10: Letters from Osho In A Cup of Tea

The Dramatic Origins of A Cup of Tea

Letters #1 to 150

First published as Prem Ke Phool in Hindi,
Translated into English as Flowers of Love

Letters #151 to 350

As six separate booklets of letters written in English:
  • The Silent Music, 30 letters April—May 1971
  • Turning In, ,30 letters to Ma Yoga Muka published 1971
  • What is Meditation? 45 letters to Ma V. Sandeh
  • The Gateless Gate, 30 letters 1—6 Aug 1970
  • The Dimensionless Dimension, 35 letters to Ma Yoga Tao
  • The Eternal Message, 30 letters to Ma Yoga Bhakti 1972-1973

The non-drama of Tantra, Spirituality and Sex

Published by: The Rainbow Bridge, USA, 1977

Published by: Rajneesh Foundation International, USA, 1983

Each of the chapters in this hook has been taken from the Series The Book of the Secrets (5 volumes):

Chapter 1: from volume 1, chapter 2, 2 Oct 1972
Chapter 2: from volume 1, chapter 7, 7 Oct 1972
Chapter 3: from volume 3, chapter 14, 30 Mar 1973
Chapter 4: from volume 3, chapter 1, 22 Feb 1973
Chapter 5: from volume 3, chapter 2, 23 Feb 1973
Chapter 6: from volume 2, chapter 16, 29 Jan 1973