Sw Dhyan Yogi

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Ma Prem Nirvano, Osho and Sw Dhyan John

Yogi is from Kansas City MO originally, where he became an MD, practicing medicine from 1969 until he moved to LA in 1981. There he met Ma Prem Kaveesha, also from KC, she introduced him to Ma Prem Hasya. They were to become the nucleus of the "Hollywood crowd", who became Osho's chief administrators at the ranch after Ma Anand Sheela left.

There, John was President of Rajneesh Corporation and a trustee of the Rajneesh Modern Car Collection Trust. He was part of Osho's entourage on the World Tour and, as Yogi, was named by Osho to the original Inner Circle. He, Hasya, Kaveesha and Ma Prem Avirbhava left that august body en masse in 1991.

Was involved in announcing the interviews in The Last Testament (Vol 3) and (Vol 4).

Contact Details

see also
The City of Rajneeshpuram