Sw Deva Madhuro

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(Felice Fortunato)

Madhuro was born in Italy in February 1953 (Aquarius). As a child he showed an extreme sensitivity and inclination for many forms of arts and it was at the age of 14 that he found in music the ultimate vehicle for his creativity.

Inspired by the growing pop English music scene, he started learning, playing guitar and singing. In 1971 he formed his first band named "Light" with whom he performed in various dancing clubs for a few years.

In 1978 his life took a big turn; attracted to meditation he travelled to India and met Osho, and became his disciple. (Deva Madhuro is the name he received from Osho and means 'divine sweetness'.) Moving his attention to the inner world, he came in touch with an immense source of musical inspiration and started to compose his own songs which became very popular amongst meditators.

Contact Details

Western Australia
Phone: +61 (0)8 9336-1375
email Madhuro
1996 : Alive in Buddhahall
1996 : Living in Your Buddhafield
1997 : I Keep On Loving You
2000 : Sweet Emptiness
2005 : Sutras of the Heart
2007 : Come l'Acqua
2012 : In Love and Silence
see also
Madhuro on facebook