From Bondage to Freedom ~ 25

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event type discourse
date & time 9 Oct 1985 am
location Rajneesh Mandir, Rajneeshpuram
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 41min. Quality: good.
Live music after the discourse.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 45min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle BONDAG25
Reader of the sutras/questions: Ma Prem Hasya.
Question 1
Beloved master, please could you tell me the difference between innocence and stupidity?
Question 2
Beloved master, when you wiped out temples and worship and gachchhamis, I got a sinking feeling that maybe you had given up on us. The most shocking revelation of the past month has been the gross stupidity we have shown with our petty grievances and demands. We have been like a bunch of bolshevik mice, acting like we want a revolution all by ourselves. We are not the mature, responsible people you are encouraging us to be, and I fear we are destroying the commune ourselves with our tinpot fantasies of freedom.
Please provide some guidance about the order or discipline we need to keep the commune together. And please, don't give up on us.
Question 3
Beloved master, why does my sadness feel more real than my happiness? I want so much to be real and authentic, not to wear any masks. But this seems to mean so much rejection by others. Is it possible to be so alone?
Question 4
Beloved master, I feel I missed, this morning in discourse, when you were talking about wearing red and the mala and no more buddhafield. When you said, "clap!" part of me wanted me to clap, not because of what you had been talking about -- which made me want to cry -- but just because of the way you shouted "clap!" that one word was like a command, a challenge to take the jump and clap and see what would happen next.
Later I remembered the story of Rinzai and his great shout and clap, "The goose is out!" Did we miss yet again?


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