The Discipline of Transcendence Vol 1 ~ 03

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event type discourse
date & time 23 Aug 1976 am
location Chuang Tzu Auditorium, Poona
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 33min. Quality: good.
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shorttitle TRANS103
Reader of the sutras: Sw Ananda Teertha.
The sutras
The Buddha said:
The homeless shramana cuts off the passions, frees himself of attachments, understands the source of his own mind, penetrates the deepest doctrine of buddha, and comprehends the dhamma, which is immaterial.
He has no prejudice in his heart. He has nothing to hanker after. He is not hampered by the thought of the way nor is he entangled in karma. No prejudice, no compulsion, no discipline, no enlightenment and no going up through the grades and yet in possession of all honours in itself. This is called the way.
The Buddha said.
Those who shaving their heads and faces become shramanas and who receive instruction in the way should surrender all worldly possessions and be contented with whatever they obtain by begging. One meal a day and one lodging under a tree and neither should be repeated, for what makes one stupid and irrational is attachments and the passions.
The Buddha said:
There are ten things considered good by all beings, and ten things evil. Three of them depend upon the body, four upon the mouth, and three upon thought.
Three evil deeds depending upon the body are: killing, stealing, and committing adultery. The four depending upon the mouth are: slandering, cursing, lying and flattery. The three depending upon thought are: envy, anger and infatuation. All these things are against the holy way, and therefore they are evil. When these evils are not done, there are ten good deeds.


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