The Heart Sutra ~ 06

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event type discourse
date & time 16 Oct 1977 am
location Buddha Hall, Poona
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 35min. Quality: good.
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online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle HEART06
Reader of the questions: n/a; questions are being read by Osho himself.
Question 1
Beloved Osho, what is the difference between the emptiness of the child before the formation of the ego and the awakened childlikeness of a buddha?
Question 2
Beloved Osho, I am just curious. Have you read the book Zorba the Greek by Kazantzakis? I love it so much. Is not Zorba exactly the way you want us to be? At least that is how I understand your teaching.
Question 3 from Mark Nevejan
Osho, will you please speak about what is common between prayer and meditation, and also the difference between them?
P.S. you don't know me because I have not yet met you personally. Arup knows me a little bit.
Question 4 from Mark Nevejan
Dear summertime of consciousness and freedom, the other day I asked you a question about what is common and different in prayer and meditation. In the meantime, I have been reading in your book I am the gate, and found the answer. Thank you for the response.
Dutch cloudy sky called Mark Nevejan.
Question 5
Beloved Osho, I have heard you say repeatedly that we should remain in the world, in the marketplace. Yet most of the people I meet here are planning to live with you in Gujarat, only returning to the West to gather enough money to do so. A large community is being planned. Please comment.
You emphasize the importance of being with a living master, but that after a connection is made you are always with us. Why does everyone want to live in your community instead of staying in the world? It certainly would be wonderful, but what about the marketplace?
Question 6
Osho, what chance is there for your ideal society in the face of the politicians and the priests and the vested interests of capital?


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