Talk:Dhyan Ke Kamal (ध्यान के कमल)

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Revision as of 07:57, 29 March 2019 by Dhyanantar (talk | contribs)
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Diamond edition notes that first © was 1981.

विषय सूची (TOC):
1: ध्यान: एक बड़ा दुस्साहस
2: ध्यान: एक गहन मुमुक्षा
3: ध्यान: मनुष्य की आत्यंतिक संभावना
4: ध्यान: जीवन की बुनियाद
5: ध्यान: द्वैत से अद्वैत की और
6: ध्यान: प्रभु के द्वार में प्रवेश
7: ध्यान: प्रकाश का जगत
8: ध्यान: मन की मृत्यु
9: ध्यान: चुनावरहित सचगता
10: ध्यान: जीवन में क्रांति

Dates and Places image added of info from Jagdish, appears to answer some questions about Geeta-Darshan as well. A twofer! It is taken to mean that each Dhyan Ke Kamal talk from 1 to 9 was in the morning of the days given, while there was a talk each of those nights on Adhyaya 8 of Geeta Darshan. This partly agrees with what is there, partly augments it and illuminates an area of unclarity. Win-Win! -- doofus-9 05:16, 17 December 2018 (UTC)

media status mentions 9 audios, of which 7 are available. OshoWorld has 10 available in their free audio offering. It should be checked which audio is which. --Sugit (talk) 08:56, 5 December 2018 (UTC)