The Mystic and Her Colours

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The Mystic and Her Colours is a collection of award-winning, meditative artworks of artist and author, Pratiksha Apurv. It is soaked in Osho's vision and allows readers to witness the oneness of existence. Her paintings are complemented by lyrical prose, explaining and elaborating upon the themes and subtle naunces of her paintings, first published in the Speaking Tree Newspaper of the Times of India Group. Without any baggage of pre-conceived notion and doctrines, this first of its kind coffe-table combines two genres painting and writing to explain a radically new vision for individual growth. It also helps in redefining various dimensions of the spiritual path and the sutras of consciousness for a joyful life that unfolds each and every moment, in the here and now. Her paintings illustrate pure emptiness a state of no-mind and her words penetrate the intermost core of being, creating synthesis between the inner and outer worlds. Pratiksha's works showcase her quest for truth and the journey she has undertaken to know herself. Each paintings blossoms like a flower and her words illumine like a magical lamp, shedding gentle light on the mystical aspects of her paintings-an expressions of deep gratitude to Osho, her beloved uncle and spiritual master. OSHO had held her tiny little hands in childhood and guided her for the journey ahead, and, had thereby, showed the very seeds for this book.
Pratiksha Apurv


The Mystic and Her Colours

Year of publication : 2018
Publisher : Times Group Books
ISBN 978-9386206640 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 136
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes :