Rajneeshpuram - Expression of Rajneesh (1982)

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File:Rajneeshpuram - Expression of Rajneesh (1982).mp4 ; still 00m 20s.jpg
still 00m 20s.
File:Rajneeshpuram - Expression of Rajneesh (1982).mp4 ; still 00m 37s.jpg
still 00m 37s.

Rajneeshpuram requested an election to become a city, and this documentary was created for the opening presentation at the hearing in Wasco County, Oregon, USA. It was created with an attitude that was largely supportive of American social values including the freedom to practice one's faith, to seize chances, and to live one's life as one chooses.
The film displays the ranch's grounds in detail and highlights farm operations as well as building and construction operations as Sannyasins use massive road construction equipment and other tools. A portrayal of communal life is also included. Finally, interviews are conducted with Sannyasin experts in business and public administration, political science, retail shop management, and medical.
Ironically, this documentary appeals to the "spirit of freedom" that was formerly prevalent in the USA but was subsequently discovered to not exist for Sannyasins in Oregon.
The video has apparently been cut in parts from the video Rajneeshpuram - The First Year.
Mentioned in the Chidvilas video list as "VS232, Nov 1981, 14mins $50.00"
"This videofilm was the opening presentation at the county hearing where Rajneeshpuram petitioned for an election to establish a city."
most probably Nov 1981, copyrighted 1982
15:54 min


production: Swami Bodhigarbha, Swami Mudito, Swami Deva Mutribo, Swami Deva Nando, Ma Prem Samadhi
Recorded live at Rajneeshpuram, P.O. Box 12A, Antelope, Oregon, USA, © 1982

see also

OshoFilmArchive catalog no : OFA00,345



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