Sw Devakant

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Devakant was very active in all phases of the musical life around Osho, and played for Him personally and the commune on hundreds of occasions, especially in Rajneeshpuram and Poona 2. There are dozens of recordings in which he played, which was nearly all the series of CDs released as 'Evening Satsangs with the Master', as well as all the recordings of ashram music released by New Earth under various titles recorded from the years 1986-1992.

1955 Born in Riverside, California, began playing trumpet age 7, flute age 15, piano, violin age 17

1973 Studied Western Classical Music, composition at University of California, Berkeley

1978-80 Studied meditation, Eastern Classical Music in India and at Ali Akbar College of Music, California

1986-90 Studied extensively Indian classical Music under Hariprasad Chaurasia, studied ancient Buddhist and Hindu art in India, Nepal, Thailand. First recording Eagles Flight produced 1989

1990-92 Sculpted large Buddha statues for meditation centers and public parks in India; created music for large performances of Sacred Dances with 40 dancers

1992 Settled in Toscana, Italy. Studied sculpture under the guidance and friendship of Emilio Ambron; worked extensively with Italian marbles, and Terra cotta

First concert tours in Italy, Germany

1993 First concert tour of Japan; studied Buddhist sculpture, calligraphy, ancient art of monochrome ink-painting

1995-96 Extensive tours of Japan; Invited to play concerts in many Zen temples and Shinto shrines; Travels country sponsored and filmed by NHK-TV in footsteps of ancient poet Matsuo Basho: Documentary is aired as 4-part series "A Pilgrimage in Sound";

Studies painting and sculpture in all of Japan

1997 Two marble statues put on permanent display in a temple in Nara, Japan

1999 Studies Tibetan Thangka painting

2000-2003 First bronzes; studies casting techniques in Pietrasanta, Italy.

Makes large in-situ sculptures in meditation centers in Italy, and Chile.

Makes numerous concerts in temples, theaters and hospitals in Japan.

2004-2010 Solo and joint exhibition-concerts in Europe and the United States; Extensive concert tours in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Czech, Denmark, Chile, and Japan

Contact Details

to date, 21 published solo CDs
1988 : Chuang Tzu’s Dream, {(A Taste of Tao)]
1989 : Eagle's Flight
1990 : [(Oceanic)]
1991 : [(Door Of Eternity)]
1992 : [(Inner Explosion)]
1993 : [[Mystery Dances)], [(Concert In Japan)]
1994 : [(Seven Dreams)]
1995 : Sacred Dances
1996 : Sounds From Beyond
1997 : Narrow Road to the deep Interior
1998 : [(Blowing Zen)]
1999 : [(Inside Is Forever)]
2000 : Dreams And Visions
2001 : Mystic
2005 : [(Inner Space)]
2007: {(Zen Signs})
2008 : [(The Way Home)]
2010 : A Healing Journey
2011: [(Body And Soul)]

see also