Seeds of Revolution

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In 1960 Osho meets Mrs. Madan Kunwar Parekh (Ma Anandmayee), whom he recognizes as his mother in a past-life. Mrs Parekh is 40 years' old at the time, and recognizes that Osho is enlightened. Osho writes hundreds of letters to her.
This one of a kind volume comprises extracts from 120 of theses letters and anecdotes Osho wrote to her during his travels around India in his earlier days. Through vignettes of scenes he witnesses - children playing on a river with paper boats, the movement of a bullock cart, an earthen lamp being extinguished, a storm striking a village, sunrise and sunset, the life and death of a flower - Osho brings out the parallels in the psychological world of every individual.
translated from
Hindi : Kranti Beej (क्रांति बीज)
Later published as Seeds of Revolutionary Thought and Seeds of Wisdom
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
Letters written from 1966 - 1969 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters


Seeds of Revolution

120 Immortal Letters

Year of publication : 1969
Publisher : Jivan Jagruti Kendra
ISBN  : None
Number of pages : 227
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes : First edition: 1969.
Does this edition exist? See discussion.

Seeds of Revolution

120 Immortal Letters

Year of publication : 1972
Publisher : A Life Awakening Movement Publication
ISBN : None
Number of pages : 227
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes : Second edition: January 1972.
Published by Ishwarlal N.Shah (Sadhu Ishwar Samarpan), Secretary, Jeevan Jagruti Kendra (Life Awakening Centre)
Translation: T.V. Parameshwar lyer, M.A.
Editing: Ma Ananda Prem, Dhiraj Shah
Cover design: Nath Vairal.
Page 2 - 3.