Talk:Nanak Dukhiya Sab Sansar (नानक दुखिया सब संसार)

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Audio for this series was not found widely offered, unlike most series where there may be fifty or more bit-torrent sites offering free downloads. Tao Vision alone claimed to offer eight discourses. The two audiobook sources were the usual, Osho World and, but were incomplete:

Osho World: TOC from the text from Shailendra
1. जीवन एक पूजा
2. जीवन की कला
5. अंतर की खोज
6. विचार और अंतर-बोध
7. नानक दुखिया सब संसार    
1: जीवन एक पूजा 68
2: जीवन की कला 64
3: Talks 3 and 4 61
5: अंतर की खोज 35
6: विचार और अंतर-बोध Incomplete 70  
7: Audio Not Available
1. जीवन एक पूजा
2. जीवन की कला
3. अकेले होने का साहस
4. सामूहिक जीवन
5. अंतर की खोज
6. विचार और अंतर-बोध
7. नानक दुखिया सब संसार

(Numbers after the discourses signifying minutes). It may or may not be worth noting that the title of discourse seven which OW purports to offer is the series title, ie may be generic filler. -- Sarlo (talk) 00:18, 8 August 2014 (PDT)

OW offers 8 mp3s for this title. --Sugit (talk) 18:09, 15 August 2015 (UTC)