Everything You Always Wanted to Know About 666, but Were Afraid to Ask

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six six SEX!!!
Okay, now that I have your attention, I want to present to you this little eBook about a number commingling three naughty little digits.
666 has fascinated, terrified and obsessed New Testament prophets, bible bashers, old-time religious end timers, and a pope-pourri of pontiffs for two thousand years. It’s been the Voldemort of numbers—that which cannot be named in decent company—from the Holy Land all the way to Hollywood. Arnold Schwarzenegger on the eve of the millennium’s turning got his glocks off, sick-six-sexy with the purported number of the Beast of Revelation in his film End of Days.
I also yelled SEX in print because it’s time to lighten up about this trio of sixes. They get in a lot of trouble and unfairly stand alone for the most demonic number in the world, even though they have company.
666 isn’t the only number of the Beast out there. The oldest surviving fragment of St. John’s Book of Revelation, found in Egypt in the 1990s, proves there’s more than one number upping the Anti-Christ, applying the numerical values of Greek and Hebrew letters to spell out the name of the Beast in The Book of Revelation, Chapter 13—Friday the Thirteenth, Jason style.
The title of my book is both outright and an outrageous homage to that other sinful number we all think about, but are too afraid to ask on a date—sex. A study out of Ohio State University from 2013 calculates that men think about sex once every 1.26 hours—that is 19 devilishly horn-doggie thoughts a day. Women think of food far more often, clocking “incubus my succubus, buster” ruminations only 10 times a day.
No one knows how often Christians think about 666, but I digress…
David R. Reuben came up with a brilliant idea in 1969 to author an enlightening and entertaining book called Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex, but Were Afraid to Ask. Then Woody Allen immortalized it in the hilarious film by the same name released in 1972.
Now, I’m not trying to pull Woody away from blowing his clarinet with the boys at the Cafe Carlyle on Mondays to make us a Sunday School feature film. All seriousness aside, I do think it’s high, holy time all of us with an interest in comparative prophecy study “get down,” grin, and bare all the things we’re afraid to ask about 666.
John Hogue


Everything You Always Wanted to Know About 666, but Were Afraid to Ask

Year of publication : 2015
Publisher : HogueProphecy Publishing
Number of pages : 62
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : E
Edition notes :