Talk:Geeta-Darshan, Bhag 2 (गीता-दर्शन, भाग दो)

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About the 1998 edition: It looks authentic, source is Jain Library, an online free library with audio and high-quality e-books. Themes are mostly Jain-related, eg Osho's talks on Mahavir but they have seven volumes of Geeta Darshan. About "464 pages" and "H/E", it is not clear what book type the original 1998 hard copy was, hardcover is assumed based on its long publishing history; and 464 pages may refer to e-book version, not hard copy.

About the pic for the 2003 edition: none was supplied previously. Since the e-book based on the 1996 Bhag 1 hard copy has the same cover image as the 2003 edition of Bhag 1, i have assumed a parallelism for Bhag 2 and introduced the e-book cover image as the 2003 cover. -- doofus-9 16:01, 5 June 2016 (UTC)

The 1996 edition by Rebel, this is hard copy, not e-book. See also discussion. Corrected page number and H. --DhyanAntar 10:46, 3 October 2017 (UTC)

अनुक्रम (TOC)

अध्याय 4
1. सत्य एक--जानने वाले अनेक
2. भागवत चेतना का करुणावश अवतरण
3. दिव्य जीवन, समर्पित जीवन
4. परमात्मा के स्वर
5. जीवन एक लीला
6. वर्ण-व्यवस्था का मनोविज्ञान
7. कामना-शून्य चेतना
8. मैं मिटा, तो ब्रह्म
9. यज्ञ का रहस्य
10. संन्यास की नई अवधारणा
11. स्वाध्याय-यज्ञ की कीमिया
12. अंतर्वाणी-विद्या
13. मृत्यु का साक्षात
14. चरण-स्पर्श और गुरु-सेवा
15. मोह का टूटना
16. ज्ञान पवित्र करता है
17. इंद्रियजय और श्रद्धा
18. संशयात्मा विनश्यति
अध्याय 5
1. संन्यास की घोषणा
2. निष्काम कर्म
3. सम्यक दृष्टि
4. वासना अशुद्धि है
5. मन का ढांचा--जन्मों-जन्मों का
6. अहंकार की छाया है ममत्व
7. माया अर्थात सम्मोहन
8. तीन-सूत्र--आत्म-ज्ञान के लिए
9. अकंप चेतना
10. काम से राम तक
11. काम-क्रोध से मुक्ति

Nov 2018 update

Info relating to editions from the 70s previously assumed to be earlier editions of this volume has been removed. -- doofus-9 07:53, 10 November 2018 (UTC)