From Bondage to Freedom ~ 21

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event type discourse
date & time 5 Oct 1985 am
location Rajneesh Mandir, Rajneeshpuram
language English
audio Available, duration 2h 20min. Quality: good.
Live music before and after the discourse.
online audio
video Available, duration 2h 10min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle BONDAG21
Reader of the questions: unidentified woman (reader 3).
Question 1
Beloved master, how come people do not see this as a mystery school, a place of healing, a "religio" to oneself and to the world all around, the most powerful religion there is... A place to find yourself, and to find yourself loved by yourself and all those around you?
Question 2
Beloved master, anarchy simply means absence of authority -- which is beautiful. But in common language it has the meaning of absence of discipline. Why that confusion? Could you speak about discipline, especially its relation to rebellion?
Question 3
Beloved master, when I heard about the possibility that you could be arrested, and they could hurt or kill you then, unprotected as you are, my first reaction was of turning into a wounded lion, of spending the rest of my life burning embassies and living as a fascist anarchist, as a reaction to this incredible pain.
What can my meditative response be to these dirty actions of politicians?


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