John Hogue's Worldwide Astrological Predictions for 2015

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Astrology reads the stellar roadmap of individuals “and” nations. It can read The World.
This eBooklet by prophecy scholar and noted Nostradamus expert John Hogue gives a quick and comprehensive overview in astrological predictions about the oncoming, history-changing events of 2015, a year he defines as the “year of last chances” to begin systemic reforms in politics, the economy, and get serious about ending climate change.
The stalemate of the Pluto-Uranus Squares of the past few years, pitting ordinary people in a tug of war with establishments of authority, is ending. History is on the move again. This little book presents the celestial signs of what to avoid and what can help kick start a people empowering and peaceful revolution in all dimensions of life.
John Hogue


John Hogue's Worldwide Astrological Predictions for 2015

Year of publication : 2015
Publisher : HogueProphecy Publishing
Number of pages : 55
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : E
Edition notes :