Sadhana-Sutra (साधना-सूत्र)

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थोड़े से साहस की जरूरत है और आनंद के खजाने बहुत दूर नहीं हैं। थोड़े से साहस की जरूरत है और नर्क को आप ऐसे ही उतार कर रख सकते हैं, जैसे कि कोई आदमी धूल-धवांस से भर गया हो रास्ते की, राह की, और आ कर स्नान कर ले और धूल बह जाए। बस ऐसे ही ध्यान स्नान है। दुख धूल है। और जब धूल झड़ जाती है और स्नान की ताजगी आती है, तो भीतर से जो सुख, जो आनंद की झलक मिलने लगती है, वह आपका स्वभाव है।
पुस्तक के मुख्य विषय-बिंदु:
कैसे दुख मिटे? कैसे आनंद उपलब्ध हो?
महत्वाकांक्षा अभिशाप है।
जीवन में आत्म-स्मरण की जरूरत कब पैदा होती है?
यदि परमात्त्मा सभी का स्वभाव है तो संसार की जरूरत क्या है?
This book covers a thematic ground similar to that of The New Alchemy: To Turn You On, commentaries on Mabel Collins' Light on the Path, though neither is a translation of the other. They were given concurrently with those for Alchemy, in much the same way as That Art Thou and the Hindi discourses on its three Upanishads. For more about this, see the remarks and discussion.
Sadhana Sutra has also been divided into a three-volume format by Diamond, titled as follows:
Ch.2 published separately as Trishna (तृष्णा).
Translated to English as The Voice of Silence.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
Apr 6, 1973 to Apr 14, 1973 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters
17   (see table of contents)


Sadhana-Sutra (साधना-सूत्र)

Year of publication : 1976
Publisher : Rajneesh Foundation
ISBN : none
Number of pages : 350
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes :

Sadhana-Sutra (साधना-सूत्र)

Year of publication : Jun 1998
Publisher : Rebel Publishing House, Pune, India
ISBN 81-7261-099-8 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages :
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook :
Edition notes :

Sadhana-Sutra (साधना-सूत्र)

Year of publication : 2003
Publisher : Rebel Publishing House, Pune, India
ISBN 81-7621-099-8 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages :
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook :
Edition notes : See discussion

Sadhana-Sutra (साधना-सूत्र)

Year of publication : 2006
Publisher : Sadhana Foundation
ISBN 978-81-7261-099-9 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 298
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes : 4th reprint of 1998 edition

Sadhana-Sutra (साधना-सूत्र)

Year of publication : 2012
Publisher : Osho Media International
ISBN 978-81-7261-099-9 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 308
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes : back cover blurb by santoor maestro Shivkumar Sharma


A few things about the book's contents: The broad thematic similarity with The New Alchemy: To Turn You On means that much of that book's general description might apply here, though details will differ. A significant difference is the chapter structure. Listening to the 20 audio-recordings of this series as offered by Osho World, we come to the following conclusions:

  • The 17 chapters of this book are in the audios #1-17.
  • In the audio, each Hindi discourse is followed by an English discourse and all except the first end with (the beginning of) a meditation conducted by Osho, talking both Hindi and English.
  • These 17 English discourses comprise the preface and first 17 chapters of Alchemy. (Audio #7 contains chapters 6 and 7.)
  • The three audios #18-20 contain meditations:
#18 is named -Dynamic 1, but is in fact Tratak, and it can be attributed to audio #5
#19 is named -Dynamic 2. It is the same as #20
#20 is named -Tratak, but it is in fact Dynamic, and it belongs to audio #2.

Again, this (Hindi) book itself has 17 chapters, apparently relating only to the Mabel Collins themes, i.e. 17 audios/events.

About the editions, a few more things: All the info on the Sadhana Foundation's 2006 "4th reprint" edition came from a G**gle Books Preview. It can likely be taken at face value, implying that the Rebel 2003 edition was also one of those reprints, albeit with a different cover. Additionally, the ISBN-10 (Rebel's) and -13 (Sadhana's) are so similar as to be considered the same book. And, as often, the OMI 2012 edition is attributed in some places to Rebel. FWIW, the ten extra pages in that edition are likely bumpf about Osho, OIF, the Resort and the like.

A small, niggling-picky matter that may need comment: The title of the book was hyphenated (as "Sadhana-Sutra") in the earlier version of this book's page. It has been changed not because that was in error, but ... All the cover images, and those of the subdivided Diamond editions as well for that matter, show the Devanagari title hyphenated, and the cover is an important criterion. But in text representations everywhere, the title is not hyphenated. That everywhereness has been deemed to outweigh the covers.

table of contents

editions 1976, 1998.06**
chapter titles
event location duration media
1 महत्त्वाकांक्षा** 6 Apr 1973 pm Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 36min audio
2 जीवन की तृष्णा 7 Apr 1973 am Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 50min audio
3 द्वैतभाव 7 Apr 1973 pm Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 35min audio
4 उत्तेजना एवं आकांक्षा 8 Apr 1973 am Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 49min audio
5 अप्राप्य की इच्छा 8 Apr 1973 pm Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 29min audio
6 स्वामित्व की अभीप्सा 9 Apr 1973 am Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
2h 2min audio
7 मार्ग की शोध 9 Apr 1973 pm Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 50min audio
8 मार्ग की प्रा‍प्ति 10 Apr 1973 am Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 38min audio
9 एकमात्र पथ-निर्देश 10 Apr 1973 pm Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 14min audio
10 जीवन-संग्राम में साक्षीभाव 11 Apr 1973 am Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 38min audio
11 जीवन का संगीत 11 Apr 1973 pm Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 29min audio
12 स्वर-बद्धता का पाठ 12 Apr 1973 am Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 48min audio
13 जीवन का सम्मान 12 Apr 1973 pm Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 26min audio
14 अन्तरात्मा का सम्मान** 13 Apr 1973 am Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 31min audio
15 पूछो--पवित्र पुरुषों से 13 Apr 1973 pm Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 28min audio
16 पूछो--अपने ही अन्तर‍तम से** 14 Apr 1973 am Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 45min audio
17 अदृश्य का दर्शन 14 Apr 1973 pm Palace Hotel (Bikaner House),
Mount Abu, meditation camp
1h 13min audio
** 1998 ed. has the same chapter titles except the following:
  • ch.1 = महत्वाकांक्षा
  • ch.14 = अंतरात्मा का सम्मान
  • ch.16 = पूछो--अपने ही अंतर‍तम से