Sw Deva Bodhena

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(Michael Grosse, Dipl. Geograph)

Bodhena took sannyas in the late seventies in Pune where he worked first as a handyman for the group department, then as a Krishna Guard. After living in Geetam for a few months, he was invited to the Ranch where he worked in construction, security, Magdalena Cafeteria, Chaitanya (accounts) and as a paralegal at Rajneesh Legal Services. In early Pune II he worked for the Rajneesh Times, and then again as a guard at Lao Tzu House. In recent years, he has been living in Clausthal, Germany, practising nowhere to go and nothing to do.

Contact Details


1979 : Der Shree Rajneesh Ashram in Poona
2016 : Bodhena's Adventures in Samsara
see also
Bodhena's articles and excerpts at Osho News