The Rebellious Spirit ~ 21

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event type discourse
date & time 20 Feb 1987, 19:00
location Chuang Tzu Auditorium, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 29min. Quality: good.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 38min. Quality: not good, a constant audio-noise (under revision).
online video
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online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle SPIRIT21
Reader of the questions: Sw Anand Vimal.
Question 1 from Prem Vishva
Beloved Osho, why do you like to make us laugh so much? In those moments it feels as if we are all sharing a cup of divine champagne, and in this rejoicing we lose ourselves and come close to you. Thank you Osho.
Question 2 from Prem Arup
Beloved Osho, I feel half-cooked! On the one hand I'm happy, more blessed and blissful, more loving and loved than ever before -- and I feel so thrilled about it. And on the other hand my old companions -- jealousy, competitiveness, the need to be important, special -- they are also still around, in the same pot. I dance and celebrate with lightness and joy, and when the flashes of darkness come I relax and accept as much as I can and I try to remain watchful.
Osho, since supposedly I am both the cook and the cooked, do I need to turn up the fire? Or would you advise that I continue to simmer slowly? Somehow, simmering slowly doesn't seem to be our way....
Question 3 from Rich Frank
Beloved Osho, looking back at this past year-and-a-half since I met you, it seems that I am flying out of control.
People think I am crazy, but I laugh as I tear away the pieces of my old life. And you've told me, that was just for starters. My meditations are difficult... I am so excited and high most of the time.
Maybe you will give me some clue to quiet this bouncing heart.
Beloved master, I've come this far and given up this much to be here now, to take sannyas and surrender -- what now?
Question 4 from Anand Virag
Beloved Osho, what's the difference between "letting go," "trusting that everything comes by itself," and "going for it," or "going with your energy"? Most of the time I find myself between not able to trust and unable to go for it. What to do?
Question 5 from Devaprem
Beloved Osho, are you holding my hand or pulling my leg?
Question 6 from Satgyana
Beloved Osho, at times the joy, the love, the silence. At other times it seems I've got a lunatic asylum in my head. Osho, what to do?


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