Zarathustra A God That Can Dance ~ 23

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event type discourse
date & time 7 Apr 1987 pm
location Chuang Tzu Auditorium, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 10min. Quality: good.
Live music after the discourse.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 23min. Quality: good, but a slight constant audio-noise.
online video
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online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle ZARA123
Reader of the sutra: Ma Prem Maneesha.
The sutra
The night song
It is night: now do all leaping fountains speak louder. And my soul too is a leaping fountain.
It is night: only now do all songs of lovers awaken. And my soul too is the song of a lover.
Something unquenched, unquenchable, is in me, that wants to speak out. A craving for love is in me, that itself speaks the language of love.
Light am I: ah, that I were night! But this is my solitude, that I am girded round with light....
I live in my own light, I drink back into myself the flames that break from me.
I do not know the joy of the receiver; and I have often dreamed that stealing must be more blessed than receiving.
It is my poverty that my hand never rests from giving; it is my envy that I see expectant eyes and illumined nights of desire....
Where have the tears of my eye and the bloom of my heart gone? Oh solitude of all givers! Oh silence of all light-givers!
Many suns circle in empty space: to all that is dark they speak with their light -- to me they are silent....
It is night: ah, that I must be light! And thirst for the things of night! And solitude!
It is night: now my longing breaks from me like a well-spring -- I long for speech.
It is night: now do all leaping fountains speak louder. And my soul too is a leaping fountain.
It is night: only now do all songs of lovers awaken. And my soul too is the song of a lover.
... Thus sang Zarathustra.


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