Massage (group)

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Massage was a three-day Pune One bodywork group facilitated by a variety of group-leaders. The Community to Provoke God brochure had this to say as a brief description:

From birth we have been starved for the nourishment of touch and so the body becomes dead, rigid and afraid. Massage is a way of loving, touching, caring, relating, and bringing the body back to life again. This three day workshop teaches sensitivity and technique, giving plenty of time to practise.

This group was all of the above, offering chances to explore new directions, to get a "feel" for both ends of this mode of sharing, and the beginning of a training in various modalities.

According to the groups timeline chart in The Sound of Running Water, a Massage group was only offered from Oct to Nov 1975. Since massage is such a simple, obvious thing, though with many variations, this is somewhat puzzling. Perhaps it was overlooked by TSORW, which in any case did not look at anything after Mar 1978, and Massage was definitely offered after that.

Another matter to be sorted out eventually (with enough data) is the variations of Massage. Were the groups always three days? Who led them, and what kinds of massage were featured?

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