Seeds of Revolution

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In 1960 Osho meets Mrs. Madan Kunwar Parakh (Ma Anandmayee), whom he recognizes as his mother in a past-life. Mrs Parakh is 40 years' old at the time, and recognizes that Osho is enlightened. Osho writes hundreds of letters to her.
This one of a kind volume comprises extracts from 120 of theses letters and anecdotes Osho wrote to her during his travels around India in his earlier days. Through vignettes of scenes he witnesses - children playing on a river with paper boats, the movement of a bullock cart, an earthen lamp being extinguished, a storm striking a village, sunrise and sunset, the life and death of a flower - Osho brings out the parallels in the psychological world of every individual.
translated from
Hindi : Krantibeej (क्रांतिबीज)
Previously published as Seeds of Revolutionary Thought. The order of the chapters is the same in that book, and in the original Hindi.
Later published as Seeds of Wisdom.
Please refer to Seeds of Wisdom if you want to read this book online.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
Letters written from 1960 - 1964 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters


Seeds of Revolution

(120 Immortal Letters)

Year of publication : 1972
Publisher : A Life Awakening Movement Publication
ISBN : None
Number of pages : 227
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes : Second edition: January 1972. (See for the doubtful existence of a 1969 of this title the discussion.) Copyright: Jeevan Jagruti Kendra, Bombay - India.
Size : 219 x 138 x 15 mm
Author as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Published by Ishwarlal N.Shah (Sadhu Ishwar Samarpan), Secretary, Jeevan Jagruti Kendra (Life Awakening Centre)
Translation: T.V. Parameshwar lyer, M.A.
Editing: Ma Ananda Prem, Dhiraj Shah
Cover design: Nath Vairal.
Printed by: Jayesh S. Sangani, Empire Printery, 189.L.J. Road, Bombay-16. DD.
  • Cover back & spine & front.

    Cover back & spine & front.

  • Page 2 - 3.

    Page 2 - 3.