Talk:Samyak Shiksha (सम्यक शिक्षा)

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Dates and Places

Dates and Places info is in from Jagdish, comments below.

1. info n/a (Shiksha Uchchatar Mulya)
2. Sep 8 1967 University Club, Bombay (Shiksha Aur Dharm)
3. Feb 1 1969 Bombay (talk to teachers re students and teachers)
4. Jan 18 1970 Law Commerce College, Bhavnagar (Shiksha Aur Jeevan / Aaj Ki Shiksha)
5. Apr 17 1972 interview with Kanti Bhatt, Bombay (spiritual / social education)
6. Jan 21 1968 Podar College, Bombay (talk to teachers, Prem Ki Shiksha)
7. Jan 22 1968 Bombay University, Bombay (talk to students)
8. May 5 1968 Nargol (talk with children)
9. info n/a

Cross-referencing this with Timeline info, we find some interesting things:

1. All the 1968 dates are already entered, #6 as Samyak Shiksha, as this chapter was used in an early translation and documented in the CD-ROM. The other two are entered as Prem Hai Dwar Prabhu Ka (प्रेम है द्वार प्रभु का) events, though with a . Jagdish has supplied D&P info for that book too but it doesn't fit well there and may either be in error or these three chapters (#2-4 there) are identical with #6-8 here. In any case, the dates, locations and themes are identical, so take yer pick. As Samyak is explicitly education-themed, there is a natural inclination to let it take precedence.

A comparison of text or audio between these two series should reveal definitively what is what in this regard. Meanwhile, accessible right away are audio lengths per the event pages, and they already make a strong case for these three chapters / talks being identical. The close resemblance of the overall pattern is impressive, with the small differences easily explained by editing and marketing vagaries :
Samyak Shiksha ~ 06: 49 min, vs 47 for Prem Hai Dwar Prabhu Ka, #02
Samyak Shiksha ~ 07: 55 min, vs 54 for Prem Hai Dwar Prabhu Ka, #03
Samyak Shiksha, #08: 32 min, vs 31 for Prem Hai Dwar Prabhu Ka ~ 04
Finally, we can look at what Shailendra has on these two series over at Shifting content in Hindi books (source document). The info there adds more depth to our developing picture here. He does not link Samyak and PHDPK but he has found other chapters in PHDPK which appear to be duplicates of discourses in other scattered books, specifically ch 3, 5, 6 and 7, making that book less than a unified whole. More on that in PHDPK's talk page. Here it can now be said with reasonable confidence that these three discourses can be thought of as "belonging" to Samyak.
Except -- ha ha! -- possibly the last one, Samyak #8 / PHDPK #4, can be thought of as more naturally belonging to PHDPK, as it is not explicitly education-themed, a short talk given to some children at Nargol, but for now it can remain here. -- doofus-9 18:04, 22 March 2019 (UTC)

2. For #2 and 3, there are other talks on those dates but in Bombay and not necessarily conflicting or duplicating. Similarly, for #4, Osho is already in Bhavnagar and for #5 in Bombay. Three of these talks have only one other talk on their dates, #3 has two, all should be able to fit happily.

And regarding the Hindi themes in parentheses, none resemble titles in the audio TOC. The first just means "the value of higher education" and has no resonance with other known material. Shiksha Aur Dharm is both the title of a mysterious little-known series and the title of the third chapter of Shiksha Mein Kranti (शिक्षा में क्रांति), so there may be something there. The Hindi title of #4 has no resonance, nor does #6, save with the above-mentioned PHDPK #2. -- doofus-9 01:24, 21 March 2019 (UTC)

The one entry we find for Samyak in "Shifting content" relates to our missing ch 9. There it is said to be incomplete but also, mysteriously, equivalent to ch 7. More info needed! -- doofus-9 18:04, 22 March 2019 (UTC)

media status

The series is only available as an audiobook from (OshoWorld does not have this series), and of that, only the first eight are actually available:

1. जीवन की दिशा
2. अकंप चित्तता
3. सच्चा शिक्षक
4. सभ्यता हमारी शिक्षा का फल (Shailendra's e-book "सभ्यता : हमारी शिक्षा का फल")
5. शिक्षा और विज्ञान
6. शिक्षा तनाव की नहीं, विश्राम की (Shailendra's e-book "यह अधूरी शिक्षा?")
7. सम्यक शिक्षा
8. प्रेम--अनुशासन--क्रांति
(9. शिक्षाः महत्वाकांक्षा और युवा पीढ़ी का विद्रोह - from Shailendra's e-book)

It needs to be researched what is what. --Sugit (talk) 07:41, 17 December 2018 (UTC)