The Rebellious Spirit ~ 17

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event type discourse
date & time 18 Feb 1987 pm
location Chuang Tzu Auditorium, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 36min. Quality: inferior (under revision).
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 48min. Quality: good, but a constant audio-noise (under revision).
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle SPIRIT17
Reader of the questions: Sw Anand Vimal.
Question 1 from Anand Gogo
Beloved Osho, would you please talk about playfulness? I ask because there is a beautiful small boy within me whom I have neglected for a long time. This small boy is playful, curious and ecstatic -- but most of the time I do not allow him to lose control. Please comment.
Question 2 from Sw Rama Prem
Beloved Osho, my first meeting with you, thirteen and a half years ago at Woodlands, ended with my getting up from sitting at your feet and walking, not out of the door, but into your closet! It has been an uphill battle ever since.
Osho, what's happening?
Question 3 from Premda
Beloved Osho, the other day I heard you speaking about the jump we all will have to take from the known to the unknowable. Originally what I wanted to ask you was: What is holding my legs and keeping my wings from unfolding to really jump and fly? But this morning, when you left Chuang Tzu, at the door you turned towards me and something happened between you and me which went beyond mind and heart. I felt my body moving in a way I could never do deliberately.
For seconds everything stopped, I had no control of anything. It was like a delicious, fearless dying. For a long time afterwards I felt drunk, weak and strong at the same time. I don't know what really happened. Did I jump too short, or didn't I jump at all? The only certainty I have now is that I cannot jump.
Beloved master, please comment.


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