The Art of Persuasion

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The Art of Persuasion reveals the basic techniques to ethically persuade others in various situations, to make them change ideas about something or convince them that your opinion is the right one. The book is packed with the latest cutting-edge information on The Art of Persuasion and covers nearly every bit of information you wanted to know to make anyone do whatever you want, without wasting your time, energy, and self-esteem. It addresses the issue of ethics, discusses emotions and subconscious, and conveys tips, tricks, and guidelines to develop greater mastery in achieving your goals and improving your life. Structured in such a way as to follow a linear development of information, the book clarifies what you should never do when it comes to using persuasion and why just a few minutes of storytelling is an important aspect to overcome resistance to change and penetrate the minds and hearts of your audience. Persuasion is an intrinsic quality of human communication, we apply it continuously and most of the time unconsciously or without worrying about its ethical use, the emotions we can unleash, and the inciting seeds that we plant in ours and others subconscious. We are all always within a bubble of persuasion at any time of our lives. Persuasion comes in the form of advertising, press announcement, television and radio commercials, political and religious propaganda, and any other kind of communication that asks us to believe in a concept and choose it among countless others. We are all sellers of ideas, intentions, and opinions, and it is indeed best to be able to quickly introduce a change rather than addressing the tenacious resistance of our audience. If you are interested in learning everything about The Art of Persuasion, this is going to be one of the most critical pieces of information you’ll ever read. That's universal teaching.
Andrea Scarsi


The Art of Persuasion

How to Achieve Your Goals Ethically

Year of publication : 2016
Publisher : CreateSpace
ISBN 978-1534656741 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 91
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes :