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When the mind disappears and thoughts disappear, you become mindful. What is mindfulness? It is awareness. It is perfect awareness.
In Mindfulness in the Modern World, Osho helps us explore both the inner and the outer obstacles that prevent us from bringing more awareness to all our daily activities. He emphasizes that while techniques can be useful in pointing the way, in themselves they are not meditation. Rather, meditation – or mindfulness – is ultimately a state of being in which we are capable of both action and stillness, work and play, and able to be fully present to each moment of life as it comes. Osho’s insights into the nature of the modern mind, with its tendency to judge and compare, provides a helpful entry point for longtime meditators as well as beginners. Mindfulness in the Modern World covers a wide range of topics, including five experiential techniques that will help you bring awareness to your everyday life.
Part of the Osho Life Essentials series.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
number of discourses/chapters
5 +introduction, epiloque & appendix   (see table of contents)


Mindfulness in the Modern World

How Do I Make Meditation Part of Everyday Life?

Year of publication : Apr 2014
Publisher : St. Martin's Griffin
ISBN 978-0-312-59551-7 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 272
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes :

Mindfulness in the Modern World

How Do I Make Meditation Part of Everyday Life?

Year of publication : Apr 2014
Publisher : St. Martin's Griffin
ISBN 978-1-4668-4732-3 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 272
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : E
Edition notes :

table of contents

edition 2014
chapter titles
source of the compilation
Introduction Roots and Wings ~ 11 (extract)
1 Many Diseases, Only One Medicine
  • What is meditation?
  • Why am I always running so fast? Is there something that I don't want to see?
  • Will you say something more about relaxation? I am aware of a tension deep at the core of me and suspect that I have probably never been totally relaxed. When I heard you say that to relax is one of the most complex phenomena possible, I glimpsed a rich tapestry in which the threads of relaxation and let-go were deeply interwoven with trust, and then love came into it, and acceptance, going with the flow, union, and ecstasy.
  • I am becoming more and more conscious of the barriers I have built up in myself over the years against being a joyful, self-loving, open being. It feels like the wall in me is getting stronger and stronger the more I am aware of it, and I can't come through. Do I first need more courage? Could you please help me with your understanding?
2 Be Ready to Be Surprised
  • How to see what is?
  • Do I have to forget myself to lose my ego?
  • Would you please speak a little on witnessing and the heart. Can they be experienced simultaneously?
  • You have told us that the mind becomes more and more quiet if we meditate regularly. Last year, when I was living in Europe on my own, thoughts became stronger and stronger during my meditations until I began to dread sitting. Now that I am with you and your commune again, this problem has gone away. But I wondered: how can one be a sannyasin for ten years, meditating every day, and have a mind which becomes more and more noisy?
3 Mindfulness in the Modern World
  • Are some people more stupid than others?
  • What is the difference between introspection and self-remembering?
  • You seem to be fulfilling two roles: an outer one in which you provoke and expose the structure of our society, and a more intimate one in which you encourage your disciples toward the ultimate. Could you please comment?
  • When we drop the attitude of judging people negatively, it follows that acknowledging the positive in people has to be dropped too -- the whole package has to go, does it not?
  • Exactly how do you not do it?
4 The Watcher Is Never Part of the Mind
  • Can you please speak on discipline and meditation?
  • Why am I scared to accept myself the way I am?
  • Is there any possibility that I will ever grow up?
  • How you talk about the same old things day after day and yet produce a new revelation with each sentence is to me the greatest miracle in existence. Would you care to comment, please?
5 Bitter in the Beginning, Sweet in the End
  • The technique of self-remembering seems easier for me than witnessing. Do they both lead to the same goal?
  • Although what you say seems to be the very truth, when I tell this to my friends who belong to the more educated levels of society -- doctors, professors, engineers, and administrators in the city -- they think I have been hypnotized or brainwashed. Every time I apply logic to this, then they are at a loss. But why can't they accept you when they are unable to argue? Why are they so against you?
  • You have said that without a master it is almost impossible to attain the truth. But how did you, Buddha, Jesus, and many others attain to the truth without any help from a master?
  • How do I know if my sexual energy is transformed or just repressed?
  • How come everything is going so well?
  • Is there another way without death and insecurity?
  • To be open and to be witnessing are two different things. Is it so, or is this a duality created by my mind?
  • I have been your disciple for two and a half years now, and all the time I have longed to be in your presence. Now I have met you for the first time, and everything has changed. I want to run away from you. I am totally confused. Please comment.
  • I heard you talking about a Sri Lankan mystic asking his followers to stand up if they wanted to go the shortcut toward enlightenment. I want you to know that I'm waiting for the chance to stand up as soon as I hear you asking -- knowing that my legs will most likely be trembling, my body perspiring, and my heart beating like mad.
  • You continuously tell us to "be aware," to "be a witness." But can a witnessing consciousness really sing, dance, and taste life? Is a witness a mere spectator of life and never a participant?
Appendix: Five Techniques to Support Mindfulness
1. Change Your Mind 2. Toss Out the Trash 3. Be Here 4. Eat and Drink Consciously 5. Just Listen