Secrets of Yoga

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In this book Osho expounds on the essence of Patanjali's philosophy which is contained in his sutras. Elaborating on these, Osho says that though the sutras contain the key to understanding the self, they are just introductory, just a preface to the real thing. The actual work, he feels, starts when one is ready to change, to mutate, to become new. He maintains that the enlightened one has gone beyond the ego and knows the oneness of all things. Secrets of Yoga, the result of Osho's talks, is rich with insights from Osho's awakened consciousness. Replete with anecdotes, simple yet deep, the book contains his views on crucial issues like ego, death and spirituality. The voyage of self-discovery is enlivened with Osho's irreverent sense of humour. The book contains questions from various people keen to know themselves and Osho's candid answers that make for delightful reading even as they offer solutions to those mire in similar problems.

Translated from
The first 10 chapters were previously published as "Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 8"
Time Period of Osho's original Discourses/Talks/Letters
Number of Discourses/Chapters


Secrets of Yoga

Year of Publication : 2004
Publisher (Distributor) : Penguin Books India, New Delhi
Edition No : 1
ISBN / ISSN : 0-14-303115-5
Number of Pages : 260
Out of Print :
Hardcover / Paperback : P