Svoboda - jeto vasha priroda (Свобода - это ваша природа) (1991)

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Also known as Freedom Is Your Nature

"In 1991 the Soviet Empire and all its structures fell apart, giving rise to new possibilities that no one would never before have thought conceivable.
Osho's cameraman, Berlin film maker and producer Niskriya, recognized the flavour of the hour and produced in endless night shifts , despite much resistance, a comprehensive documentary in three parts about Osho and his ashram for Russian television.
The outcome was a masterpiece documentary that does not leave any questions unanswered.
Never before was Osho portrayed in such a sensitive and comprehensive way.
Then something happened that no-one would have ever considered possible:
All three parts were broadcast by the largest Soviet TV-station on three sequential evenings at prime time 9 pm. This did not happen on any ordinary evening but during the Christmas holidays, 24th, 25th and 26th December 1991. Many still believe that that was sheer magic.
On the third evening, Osho's comprehensive analysis of the chances the collapse of communism offered to the Russian people, and a message Osho directly gave to Gorbachev, was about to be shown. But then something unexpected happened..." (Osho Film Festival)
English, Russian (?)
3 h 13 min (?) (3 parts)

see also

Osho Film Festival