The Last Testament (Vol 1) ~ 23

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event type interview
date & time 9 Aug 1985 pm
location Jesus Grove, Rajneeshpuram
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 36min. Quality: good.
Live music after the interview.
online audio
video Missing, possibly available.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle LAST123
Strange, this video seems not available in the usual circles, but it is --at least partly-- available on YouTube: q.1 - first paragraph of a response to q.6; q.7 - first two sentences of a response to q.8; q.10 (beginning of the question is missing) - first part of a response to q.12; q.17 - almost 4 paragraphs of a response to q.18; q.19 - q.20 (perhaps last part of the question and some first words of a response to it were been left out) - first 1,5 paragraphs of a response to q.21.
Interview. Announcements by Ma Prem Savita : (name inaudible) from Rogers Cable News Incorporated
CD-ROM on this chapter: Interview with Nathan Wood, The Rogers Cable System, Portland, Oregon.
Question 1
You look very nice in blue. Is that one of your favorite colors?
Question 2
Do you see a lot of red around here?
Question 3
Why do these people like you so much? Why are you so appealing?
Question 4
Is it the beard or the money or the prestige?
Question 5
Why is that?
Question 6
When or if you do pass away, or if you died, if something happened, who would take over? Would there be someone to take over? What would happen to Rajneeshpuram if something happened to you?
Question 7
What kind of a pilgrimage would you be going on when you die?
Question 8
What could we do then? What could we the living do to help?
Question 9
So would you say that the Bible is accurate in speaking of Moses, or is that a myth?
Question 10
You mentioned God just a few minutes ago and I was wondering what you concept of God is. I know you've been asked that so many times, but....
Question 11
Are you enlightened?
Question 12
How enlightened. Are you very enlightened?
Question 13
I wanted to ask you a question as far as other religions....
Question 14
You have made a lot of different remarks about religions, and -- I believe this is your most recent one; you'll correct me, I'm sure you will -- that this is the true religion, this is the true church. Correct?
Question 15
You also said that you were building an orchestra out of all these other religions. How do you propose to do that?
Question 16
So you weren't speaking of the whole world, then, you were just speaking of in the commune?
Question 17
You made a comment a few years back, I believe, that two thirds of the world population would die of AIDS. Now recently all the things that we've seen in the news, that the figures are just astronomical, do you feel that your prediction is starting to come true?
Question 18
How soon do you think?
Question 19
So you don't think the federal government is doing enough to control AIDS, then?
Question 20
Would you do that with a sannyasin if he or she had AIDS?
Question 21
Are you testing for AIDS, then?
Question 22
Are they here in this commune?
Question 23
What would happen in your opinion if a third world country got hold of a bomb and detonated it and started another war?
Question 24
India may not have it now and it may not be a threat, but what about Cuba or Libya or Khadafi?
Question 25
Now you've made a point in the past that you have a very open sexual commune here. How does that effect the children in regards to children on the outside? Are they being exposed to sex at an earlier age? Have you noticed any differences?
Question 26
One fourth of what it is today?
Question 27
I just have one final question to ask you. What is a typical day for you? What do you do first in the morning? How do you start your days?
Question 28
What kind of a sweet is it?


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