A Surprise Life

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This memoir recounts my experiences during the 10+ years I was a disciple of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (now known as Osho). The first half focuses on my participation at his ashram in India as well as the background and early influences that led to my becoming a disciple. The second half describes my involvement at our communal ranch in Central Oregon. My initial purpose in writing had nothing to do with publishing. I wanted to explore its potential for examining what destroyed our community from a viewpoint outside myself, on paper. I needed to understand what led to our collapse, and what part (if any) I may have played. As I progressed, however, I realized that others might welcome seeing how this destructive path came about, and perhaps notice a resemblance, as I did, between the behaviors that led to our downfall and similar behaviors in the larger world that might be recognized if we chose to pay closer attention.
Susan M. Clare
see also
Review on Osho News


A Surprise Life

The Spiritual Journey of A Girl From Brooklyn

Year of publication : 2009
Publisher : BookSurge Publishing
ISBN 978-1439252819 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 298
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes :