Ma Anand Poonam

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(Clare Solaway, MA, UK Council for Psychotherapy, MA in Health Promoting Practice)

Clare Soloway has been a psychotherapist and group leader for over 40 years. She trained in the United States and then returned to England in 1970 where she co-founded the first centre for Humanistic Psychology in Europe, Quaesitor. She was trained as a Gestalt and Bio-Energetics Psychotherapist and as a Group Therapist; her teachers being amongst the pioneers of the early days of Humanistic Psychology.

Clare has traveled all over the world leading groups and trainings. She took Sannyas 1972 and stayed with Osho until she returned to England where she set up Kalptaru RMC in 1974 and in 1981 established the Medina Rajneesh Neo Sannyas Commune in Suffolk, where more than 200 people lived and worked, and the Body Centre in London. She dropped sannyas and left the commune in 1984. She has since been in private psychotherapy practice and has continued to run groups around the world.

For six years she worked in the area of HIV and AIDS which she considers to be among the most profound and humbling experiences. For a number of years she has taught psychotherapy to degree level as well as clinical supervision for graduate therapists.

Contact Details

Clare Solaway
see also
Clare Soloway is telling her life's story - Life Changes (Interviewed by Iain McNay)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Ma Deva Premal & Sw Prabhu Miten - Our Story, an interview by Clare Soloway
Clare's YouTube channel
Sw Anand Teertha
Medina Rajneesh Neo Sannyas Commune