From Ignorance to Innocence

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Most of us have quoted The Bible, been quoted at from The Bible, sworn on The Bible, doubted The Bible - but how many of us have really questioned its basic premise, that God exists? How much of what we have accepted as our religion is related to our own experiences and has any relevance to our day to day lives? Looking for the answers, we find our minds so full of ideas instilled from birth - sin and guilt, reward and punishment, this world and the other, somebody out there bigger than us who we should obey - it's almost impossible to untangle the mess and start from scratch. In this series of discourses Osho exposes our conditioned beliefs as a means of challenging us to experience life and its inherent religiousness from a fresh perspective, with our own, individual eyes. A must for the thinking Christian.

Responses To Questions
Translated from
Previously published as "The Rajneesh Bible, Vol 2".
The original tapes (Dec 19, 1984) of chapter 20 in this book were erased by Sheela the following day, because it attacked the powerbrokers in Rajneeshpuram.
Chapter 20 is merely the reproduction of a censored transcript which was originally published in the Rajneesh Times.
Time Period of Osho's original Discourses/Talks/Letters
from Nov 29, 1984 to Dec 29, 1984
Number of Discourses/Chapters


From Ignorance to Innocence

Answers to the Seekers on the Path

Year of Publication : 1985
Publisher (Distributor) : Rajneesh Foundation
Edition No : 1
Number of Pages :
Out of Print : Y
Hardcover / Paperback :

From Ignorance to Innocence

Answers to the Seekers on the Path

Year of Publication : 1991
Publisher (Distributor) : Rajneesh Foundation
Edition No : 1
Number of Pages :
Out of Print :
Hardcover / Paperback :