How Can Meditation Solve Life Problems or Prevent Wars?

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There are three kinds of problems - those that you create – they are almost ninety per cent of the problems of your life. You create them and you go on saying that you don’t want them. Ninety percent of the problems simply disappear when you are in a meditative state – because you can see. And by seeing, you stop creating them. Ninety per cent will be solved; nine per cent will not be solved by your meditation but will be dissolved because they will not concern you at all. Seeing that it has nothing to do with you, that it does not arise in you, you have transcended it. One per cent remains. It has nothing to do with you or with others – that one per cent is part of existence itself.
Originally published as q.2 of ch.12 of Sufis: The People of the Path, Vol 2.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
Sep 7, 1977 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters
1   (see table of contents)


How Can Meditation Solve Life Problems or Prevent Wars?

Year of publication : 2016
Publisher : Osho Media International
ISBN 978-0-88050-717-2 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 17
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : E
Edition notes :

table of contents

edition 2016
chapter titles
event location duration media
1 (no title) 7 Sep 1977 am (discourse extract - only q.2) Buddha Hall, Poona 1h 49min audio