Sw Prem Samudra (Brazilian)

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(Airton Guardini)

Superior formation, licenciatura in Physical Education (1989, UFSC) Wallet of PROFESSOR - Register LP 2,641/89 (1º and 2º Degrees - It disciplines: Physical education; 1989) Certifyd as MASSOTERAPEUTA C.I.E.P.H.: Register N.º 399/98 (Secr. Educ State. Sport of S. C.: Reg. N.º 15.500; 1996)

I have experience of 15 years in American, Chinese, Japanese and européias techniques of boarding corporal; with high resolution.

I gave services, in the Institute of Fisioterapia Mizuki (SP) and clinics of cities of the interior of São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina. Trained in Therapies and Techniques of Active and Passive, appropriate Meditations to the modern mentality.

Collaborator of the National Union of Naturistas Therapists.

Work with the following techniques: Reflexologia Miofascial, Massage Ayurvédica, Reiki, Applied Cinesiologia, Dynamic Breath. Studious self-taught person in the techniques Rolfing, Craniossacral, Calatonia, Iridologia etc.

Minister courses of massages in Brazil and South America (I say to the Spaniard and instrumental English fluentemente).

Contact Details

Rua Rafael da Rocha Pires, 3.160
88051-001 Quarter Sambaqui SC
business address
Durval Melquíades de Souza, 721
Mezzanine Center
88000-001 Florianópolis SC
Phone (home): +55 48 9992-8005
Phone (bus): +55 48 223-8138
samudra18 hotmail.com
see also
Samudra at MS Spaces