Osho Sanbodhan Meditation Center, Nicosia

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After the introduction of OSHO meditations at various centers in Cyprus it became obvious that a permanent center that offered daily meditations, Osho discourses and an environment for sannyasins and lovers of Osho to meet and celebrate existence was necessary. So we are working to prepare the space and program and become active as soon as possible.

So with the blessing and love of all the fellow travelers that I have met this summer in Pune and Australia be curious, aware and as Osho says "Wherever I am—somewhere I must be—I will go on showering my love on my people and I know they will find ways to respond."

Join us, love and light

1, Riga Feraiou
Nicosia 1087
Phone: +357 2200-3758
Sanbodhan OMC
see also
Sanbodhan OMC at Facebook
Sw Prabhu Prakash
Sw Atmo Nikhar
Ma Anandi Rosa
Sw Prem Rupo
Cyprus Osho Group at Pathfinder